Chapter 4

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Palace of Praag, Katarin's POV.

As me and Y/N made our way to the palace, Y/N went off to a secret entrance to enter the palace so he wasn't seen by Jacques and Whitley, and so he could surprise Willow and her daughters. Meanwhile, I entered through the front gate, where the rich bastard and his General waited for me.

Jacques had an angry glare on his face as my escort of Ice Guard's retired, with at least two of them stay with me. "Where were you!?" He demanded to know, much to my disliking, "Remember, Schnee! This is my kingdom. I can go wherever I choose, whenever I choose." I responded. This seemed to make him angrier, "I don't care! You will never keep me waiting again, or else"- I cut off the arrogant rich bastard with a blast of my ice magic, insnaring Jacques into a freezing prison.

I slid closer to the frightened fool, killer instinct in my eyes as they glowed blue, "You will never speak to me like that, ever again! Like I said, this is my kingdom!!! And it is my choice about where I go and when I choose to do so!!! I am the Tzarina, and you will obey my commands while your in my country! Understand!?" I yelled.

Jacques shakily nodded his head as the cold of my ice took hold of his body warmth. I finally released him from the ice, before slapping him across the face and instructing him back into the palace, with the threat of my Ice Guard stabbing him as the alternative, of course.

Y/N's POV.

As I entered through the secret gateway, I came up into the last room I'd thought that gateway was connected to. It was the room mother had lent to the Schnees. Peering through the closet, I saw Weiss and Winter crying on one of the large beds in the room.

Both my sisters were mumbling to each other about how they missed me, and hated they're brother and father for treating me the way that they did. I wanted to come out of the closet and show them I was still alive, but part of me told me it wasn't the right time, yet.

So I waited until they were called by Willow out of the room. When I was certain they weren't close by, I got out of the closet and hurried out the door of the room, checking to make sure none of them were close by to the door as I left for the throne room, where mother was going to have Jacques state his business and his reason for coming to Kislev.

It would be here that I would reveal that I was in fact alive and hadn't died during the winter days. But I couldn't stay idle in Praag, for Ursun wasn't going to stay alive forever if left in the dark. His voice once again called to me, ordering me to confront my past and face the storm that would come from my 'father' and 'brother'.

When I arrived at the throne room, I hide in the shadows as I saw mother speaking with the arrogant bastard that I was dumb enough to call a father. My sisters and Willow just sat to the side, not looking like they wanted to get dragged into another abusive conversation.

I simply glared at Jacques as he continued his proposition to mother, while still skulking in the shadows. Waiting for when the time is right to reveal myself.

Katarin's POV.

I sat upon my throne as I disinterestedly listened to Jacques about a deal he was wanting to make between Kislev and Atlas. Or as I would describe it, a deal to screw over my Tzardom and have the wealth that my people do have flow into his pockets instead of theirs where it would belong.

Of course, the arrogant fool thought I didn't know any better because I'm a 'Barbarian Queen' who didn't know how to foster my people, or how to care for my country. Kostaltyn stood beside me, looking ready to use his mace to smash Jacques' skull into a blood stained paste, but I told him to stand down as I was willing to let the rich bastard finish what he was saying.

The Son of the Ice Queen(RWBY x abused male reader x mother Tzarina Katarin.)Where stories live. Discover now