2: a week

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"hey...is [m/n] fine?" [m/n] didn't know that his mother had been concerned over him ever since he woke up. she kept asking his dad about the same problem.

his mother had seen her own son fall out of bed and scatter his objects like he was trying to find something. she watched as [m/n] ran across the room and into another, then another, then towards the bathroom to finally bathe.

when he came out with his school uniform, he was tenser than usual. his mother could see his eyes dart around and frequently glance at the window, flinching whenever some joggers would pass by.

"honey, are you sure you didn't...take anything?" his mother came forward and gently grasped his hand. "it's okay, you know you can tell us..."

[m/n]'s eye twitched as he looked at his "mother"--no...this was the mother of the body he's residing in...probably.

it's been how many hours since he'd known he was transmigrated into his recently watched k-series called "all of us are dead" and the next thing he knew he was here.

he had mixed memories now-- he didn't know if the memories of his when he was a child was his-- or was it implanted. all he knew was that he was here in this hellhole.

what's worse he seemed to have gone back a week before the incident—and his death— would happen.

this time, he tried to be optimistic and sneakily tried to find a way out of this.

he did not want to be dumb and shout "there's going to be an apocalypse!" in front of many people then get jailed into an asylum.

what he needed was a plan; to save himself and try to hold on until the helicopters would arrive.

'it seems like a plan... but maybe i should start by preventing that one girl to get bitten...' [m/n] thought. "mom...what time is it?"

"it's 7 still, you should have some time before your school start," his mom replied. "are you really sure you're alright?"

"i'm fine, mom." m/n smiled. "i should probably get going," he grabbed his bag from the side and stepped out of the house to get his bike.

"a-alright...! have fun," his mom waved him goodbye as he pedaled away.

"there's no such thing as fun is trying to survive a hell called zombie apocalypse," [m/n] bitterly murmured.

he pedaled towards the school where there were still few students around. he parked his bike and ran towards his classroom, trying to take a look.

"ah, they're still okay," [m/n] mumbled as he passed by the many windows of students chattering and laughing. he hummed and talked to himself, "there is still a week before shit happens anyway," he shrugged and proceeded to his class.

"ah...that's right," he mumbled as he walked inside.

'i am an outcast...no one here really knows me or even talks to me,' then he remembered to distinct voices, 'well...maybe except those two people who helped me when i fainted,'

he tapped his chin and pondered. exactly next week the apocalypse will start: the flow would be fast and wild. in [m/n]'s last life he fainted because of the memory and vaguely remembered that when he woke up he heard the protagonist come in contact with him.

if he ever failed. he has to have a plan b; that was being beside the surviving students that could soon finish this series.

maybe...maybe after he finishes he'd go back to his world...

you have to be honest, it's one thing to gush about being transported in your favorite series, but it's another thing when you are inside an apocalypse setting.

i'm always dead || all of us are dead x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now