8: turning

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you closed your eyes, waiting for the next moment the alarm rings again. it had been some time since you feel and was knocked out unconscious, the moment you regained consciousness you were waiting for another regress.

—instead, you felt the itch in your body and you opened your eyes to see green surrounding your vision. so you didn't fall to your death but instead fell inside a bush...

zombies crowded your area but it was lucky that you had no injury so it saved you the trouble.

you rose up out at the bush and then look up at the building to see them safely inside. you sighed and looked around. 

it was nighttime...too late at night, gyeongsu was probably already...

you shook your head and tried to forget about it. 'maybe i should just wander around...' you hummed and jumped out to take a small stroll.

you went back inside the building to survey the area, hoping to not see gwinam inside. you hummed and pushed one zombie away. a few more hours from walking, coincidentally, you went back to the art room and found out a zombie passed out.

you stopped. wait— passed out? zombies never sleep, they're more active at night and sensitive because there's no light so they rely more on their senses.

but what's this?

you went inside the room to take a survey. it was dark but you could hear the stable breathing of this...whatever this is now.

you stuck a foot and poked the body with the tip of your shoe. you poked a bit more and after around ten pokes the body twitched.

"ugh..." a groan resonated from the body. you furrowed your brows and crouched down.

you caressed the cheek then gave it a big slap.

"ah!" the body jerked up and you were sure it was a normal human's voice in there.

"so you weren't a zombie..." you said in awe. "how is this possible..."

"ugh...what--" the person tried to get up but found its body twisted and broken. they tried to scream in pain but you covered their mouth.

"be quiet if you don't want to attract attention," you said sharply and waited for their answer.

they nodded with a muffled voice and you slowly retracted your hands. "what...are you?" you asked. "how did you get here?" you were sure no one would be bold enough to come here looking like this...

"i...i don't know," the person mumbled. he couldn't move and could only helplessly lay there with this broken body as he answered, "the last thing i remembered was running and then...then something pounced in my back and bit me..."

"something bit you...and you didn't turn?" you blinked in shock. 

"something like this...so creepy," you shivered. 

you looked back at the person still there with ragged breathing and hummed, then your eyes trailed at the blood beside him, there was a familiar-looking pouch laying beside it.

your eyes dilated.

you grabbed a sharp broken wooden object and did not hesitate to stab yourself in the chest.



beep! beep! beep! beep—


admittedly, suhyeok was in shock.

when everyone was in worry, suhyeok stood out the window and looked down. he found zombies crowding around near the place where [m/n] fell and had died. he kept looking but found no movements so he forced himself to look away and accept that there was no getting you back.

i'm always dead || all of us are dead x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now