9: two lost lonely people

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beep! beep! beep! beep—

"is it gone?!" daesu walked towards the broken window and everyone looked down at the zombie who was struggling against the bushes.

"what--yah!" wujin exclaimed in shock when he saw a hand grab the zombie and push it away.

they saw the zombie finally free and ran towards the open space. all of them wondering who did it. suhyeok's eyes widened in thought. "could it be...?"

everyone continued to watch when a head popped out.


contrary to the shock of others, when suhyeok called out a name the person looked up as if expecting that. [m/n] placed an index finger in his lips to shush suhyeok who had widened his eyes in surprise.

"[m/n]? he's alive?" cheongsan pushed away daesu and looked down alongside suhyeok.

down bellow, you had already went pass the zombies and went straight inside the school. it was like going back to level one with many enemies lingering.

you look left and right, trying to see if gwinam was there– seeing he wasn't, you walked leisurely towards a certain direction.

you didn't want to face suhyeok and the others, well not yet. it was too thrilling and you needed to sort out your mind about the things that kept happening since your regression.

"how many was it..." you closed your eyes to recall the times you'd had your life taken and rewind.

"fuck...too many to count," you grasped your head and shook your face side to side. you stopped walking when a faint sound of a vehicle came outside.

"oh," you smiled. "they're here."

you tuck your hand in your pockets and walked to another exit door. your expression looking excited from what was going to happen.


"is he going to be okay?"

suhyeok walked back and forth, his mind turning around from the last look you gave him. cheongsam couldn't help but be concerned a little and asked.

"it's [m/n]," suhyeok breathe out. "he's...probably going to be fine, he'll survive,"

"probably," nayeon snorted. "that dumbass going back inside with all those zombies swarming? he's suicidal for that, why not just die directly from that fall?"

"yah, nayeon!" onjo felt nayeon's sentences were taking too far. she felt the animosity suhyeok gave to nayeon and so she decided to stop her.

"why are you like this?" onjo asked. "you don't even know [m/n]-ssi but you talk like human life doesn't matter? are you crazy?"

that shut nayeon up, and gyeongsu snickered. he walked towards daesu and shrugged as he said in a whisper, "this is why nobody likes an idiot with issues like that," daesu nudge him softly.

suhyeok pursed his lips and sighed. indeed, maybe [m/n] was suicidal...but he trusts that [m/n] has a plan.




you crouched from the window as you watched the archery team panic with fear. your brows rose in question, trying to see how many could have survived.

"yes...this is a problem," you noticed that the more you regressed, your memory becomes jumbled.

you weren't born with a cheat, it was given to you the day you were suppose to die as a side character. yet, fate haves it that you gained a weird superpower to go back in time every time you die.

it was weird, especially in an apocalyptic setting, but you've grown numb to it as you continued to watch people die and let yourself die.

your memories...were becoming blank.

you closed your eyes and stood up, walking towards the bathroom where the other two survivors were about to introduce themselves.

you were unaware of the eyes outside that followed your back.

walking deeper inside the school, you saw many zombies gurgling and limping around with no direction. so, becoming board, you grabbed an abandoned trash bin from the side and threw it far away.

the zombies heard the crash and immediately dashed towards the sound impact. you pouted, feeling your boredom not being relieved.



your eyes snapped from one room and saw two familiar but unfamiliar students. your brows furrowed.

"you guys..."

"shit-- is he dead?"
"he's breathing still you dumbass. just carry him!"

"shit! run away!"
"fuck—what the hell are those?!"

you remember.  "ah-! jungwoo and sunghyoon?"

the boys' eyes brightened up and nodded. "i-it's really you..." jungwoo grabbed your adm and pulled you inside the empty room then locked the door.

"how did you guys survive?" you asked, surprised that there were actually people still alive.

'then again...the show you saw was fixed in certain point of views...to think that...'

you watched jungwoo and sunghyoon tell their stories. how, after they accidentally left you behind, hid in a nearby classroom. by the time they tried to look for you, you were already gone.

your eyes twinkled, to think that there were actually people here who saw past your lonely character.

your hand unconsciously tou hed the hilt of the knife hidden behind your back, covered with your shirt. your mind was shouting at you, you heart besting faster.


"if you guys didn't look for me...what do you think would have happened?"

jungwoo and sunghyoon blinked. "...what?"

"let me rephrase that," you smile, but that smile sent shivers down their spine.

"if you two were successful in finding me...what do you think would have happened?"



beep! beep! beep! beep—


[oh yeah,,,i am alive :D]

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2023 ⏰

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