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Min yuna entered jk's office with a fancy card in her hand and placed it on the table next to jk's coffee.
"What's that miss yuna??"
"It's an invitation to the opening of your restuarant tonights eve sir, all Korea's ceos will attened the eve so you have to be there for representing our companies sir, it's at 8:pm"

Jk sighed and nodded , yuna bowed and left the office back to her work.

At the restuarant:
Tae: thank you mochi for giving me this job, I appreciate it man.
Jimin: hey, no worries taetae, tonight lot of bussiness men will attened the ceremony so make sure to serve them well, so you will be paid good, you need money for your mother's treatment .
Tae: I will do my best jimin.
Jimin: her's your outfit taetae, and don't forget your section work, iam proud of you buddy"

Tae's pov:
Iam really happy, today is the best day of my life, i've been working since last year, I dropped highschool and started working since i was 17, mom sufferes from a severe disease and her treatment costs a lot of money, she needs a surgury and after the surgury she needs to be transferred into a medical foundation to rest there for some time, the whole surgury and medical care costs 30 millions, i've been gathering money since then, i worked as pizza delivery, printer guy, in hotels and now as a waiter in this restuarant, today when i will get pay i will finally collect the 30 millions for my mother's surgury which is in couple of days. We suffered a lot after my father dogged us and left.

Yuna my friend and jimin were too kind to help me in my jobs, i owe them a lot and today iam going to serve her ceo and his guests tables so I need to be very carefull. As an omega male Iam not the kind to be respected from all or valued, omega's are only appreciated for their beautiful body and face features, being a male who can be mated with a man and able to carry babies was a big issue for me before but it's not time to be worried about now all what really matter is mom's health.

At the jeoun's villa:

Jk's mom:when are you welling to mate with someone son? I want to see you married and I want to see my grandchildren soon, you keep cancelling all the dates I arrange to you with beatiful and successful females, i don't care if you're into males wether it's an alpha or omega , i just want it to be done as soon as possible jungkook!!.

Jk sighed annoyed with the daily lecture he hears from his mom all the time, his father passed away years ago and he took care of his family bussiness since he finished his college degree, it's been a big burden to handle all this work all by himself, but still he managed to take care ot it in a prefect way , he's a 21 alpha male , with a charming yet cold features, successful and rich which made him wanted from so many admires in his life.

Jk went upstairs to his bed room,it was huge and fancy, he picked up his new suit among with his jewerly and watches collection and went to have a hot bath, and get ready for the eve.

At the restuarant:

Yuna: babyyy!!
Jimin: wow babe you look gorgeous!! and hot as fuck, you're making daddy so needy girl.
Tae: yaah! You pervert, get a hold of yourself you will get us fired !!
Yuna: wow, taetae you look so good in this outfit, you are even prettier than all the girls in here,ohh and taetae happy birthday sweetheart.

Yuna and jimin gifted tae an envelope with money inside, they knew the most thing that tae needs is money right now.

Jimin: that's for you buddy, not for miss kim, just do whatever you want with it you deserved it buddy, it's your birthday after all.

Tae's eyes brimmed with tears he was so touched by his friends concern about him. He hugged them tight , the manager call interrepted their emotional moment asking for him and jimin to get ready , guests were starting to come .

Everything was moving smoothly and well done until all eyes went starring at the door, jk has arrived with his bodyguards and a beautiful old lady with him , she was miss jeoun, he looked so manly and hot, they all bowed to them and continued their eve .

Tae was filling the wine glasses when he started to feel a little dizzy, he was leaning down towards jk when he accudently spilled the wine on his pants, yuna almost chocked with her drink, jimin face was blanked , tae immediatly bowed with a teary sorry and guided jk to the men's w.c .

Tae:So,sorry sir, iam really sorry, iam just not feeling so well rightnow.
Jk: are you stupid are what ha?? You just ruined my pants you stupid waiter, you're gonna regret it big time.
Tae: sir pls,iam really sorry sir, I'll take care of it right away sir.

Tae grabbed a wet towel and went down on his knees, wiping the wine spots off jk's pants, jk rolled his eyes irritated but when his eyes landed on tae's face he suddenly couldn't take them off, he was charmed by tae's beautiful face, wide big eyes, small cute nose, filled rosey lips, pointed chin, silky hair. Jk couldn't notice that he's been mind blowed by tae's beauty, he started to release his prohormones getting hard down there; making tae gradually tensed and weak.

Tae could feel jk's gaze at him, he felt jk's dominance crashing deep into his bones making him nauseous and more dizzy. He grabbed jk's pants tight and whined leaning his head on jk's thighs,
Jk: you are really a beautiful kid, what's your name ??
Tae: iam, iam kim taehyung sir.
Jk: hmm, so how about you help me with the trouble you caused down my pants and i shall reward you with lot of money hmm??
Tae's face went blank, he shaked his head as a no.
Tae: iam sorry sir but iam not that kind of omegas.
Tae's answer made jk chuckl at him,he felt mad it's the first time to offer this for someone and he get rejected as well.
Suddenly jimin entered he looked at tae trembling on floor while holding jk's pants with his head down, he hurried towards them and handled jk a new pants.

Jimin: taetae, taetae get up hurry, iam, iam sorry for the trouble sir we will make sure to return your pants clean and tidy tomorrow's morning, excuse us.

Jimin bowed with tae to jk, took his pants after jk changed and left in a hurry which made jk sigh.

The rest of the eve went well, guests left , and after cleaning tae , jimin and yuna we're headding home.

Jimin: God tae , what's wrong with you, I almost had a heart attack and Yuna almost lost her job because of your clumsiness.

Tae: Iam, Iam very sorry jimin, yuna iam sorry, pls forgive me i didn't mean to i just felt tired and weak.

Yuna: hey, it's okay tae bear,no harm happened, just go and rest, okay.

Jimin: sorry tae,she's right what really matters is that your money is finally here and your mom's surgury will go well, just make sure to return his pants tomorrow morning.

Tae nodded his head, jimin dropped him infront of his house,and waved goodbye. Tae entered his house , it was a one room with a kitchen and toilet along with a little disk tae used to study on it, tae changed his clothes and laid on bed, he kissed his mom's picture,
Tae: just for tomorrow mom, just one more day to go, i'll make sure you'll be okay mom, love you.
Tae kissed the picture and closed his eyes after a messy night, dreaming about tomorrow, little did he know that his life is gonna change forever.

{{So guys, i started writing this story according a special request of topkook, i usually write toptae but i hope for toptae stans to give it a try, and if it's not much to ask can you guys share your comments and pls vote for it, and forget about mistakes iam too lazy to review it again😅🥰🤗}}

{{So guys, i started writing this story according a special request of topkook, i usually write toptae but i hope for toptae stans to give it a try, and if it's not much to ask can you guys share your comments and pls vote for it, and forget about...

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