Vol 2. 5. Shoko is disappointed.

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Casual Shoko? With her hair down?

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Casual Shoko? With her hair down?

I stan her.

Anyway, onto the chappie!

Shoko PoV

After getting ready for the day, I proceeded to open the door to exit my room.

I grabbed my bag on the way and finally opened the door. But then I froze as I stared at the person who stood right outside of my room.

" Good morning, Kazumi-san." Horikita greeted plainly.

I already felt like sighing for the rest of the day since my ' good morning' had suddenly started with a sudden visit by Horikita.

" How long did you wait here?" I asked as I exited my room and made sure to lock the door.

" Around 15 minutes. " she answered promptly.

I sighed for the first time today. " So you waited....outside.....for 15 minutes.....and for what? "

" I have something I'd like to speak with you about. You brushed me off yesterday, remember?" She glared at me.

" Oh, right. Go ahead then." I nonchalantly said as we began walking to the elevator.

" It's about Sakura-san." She said.

" Hm? What about her?" I asked as we both entered the elevator.

I pressed the button for the ground floor.

The elevator doors closed as we began to travel down.

" Sudo-kun almost got into another fight." She said.

My eyes widened as I stared at her in shock.

" Are you serious?" I asked to which she nodded.

That's suprising.


At this very moment, Sudo shouldn't have nearly gotten into a fight.

So this is entirely new....

" What happened exactly?" I inquired.

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