14. Shoko needs to train!

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Shoko PoV

What do you mean that was " you" ?

I want to explain it to you face to face.

Please return to your room and sleep.


Can...Ayanokoji take over my body if he wishes? Does this mean I can lose control of my body at any moment?

No wonder those moves felt....unnatural to me.

I didn't expect Glasses-senpai nor Horikita to try and actually attack me.

After all, I'm no good at anything related to physical skills.

Absolutely dogwater.

I made it to my room and decided to sleep immediately.

Today has been tiring....

Gathering the idiots for the study group...

The study group inevitably failing....

That little scuffle with Glasses-senpai and a bit with the younger Horikita as well.

And to top it all off, Ayanokoji decided to reveal to me that he can gain a bit of control with my body....

What a fucking shocker.

Well, I'm just going to hope that Horikita will reunite the idiots herself, or at the very least, ask someone else to help her do so.

With that, I decided to close my eyes and drift off to sleep.


Haah...not this again....


I....I can move....

I opened my eyes and quickly looked around.

" It's all white...." I muttered as I found myself in a white room.

This is strange...

I'm not used to moving when I experience this dream sequence...

I slowly stood up.

" Subject 404, please sit on the chair." A voice said.

My head quickly turned to where I heard the voice and I immediately spotted a man in a white lab coat staring at the child through the glass.

What is this? I wondered as I slowly walked towards the man.

Since this was a dream, I could safely assume that the man couldn't see me nor hear me.

I stood beside the man.

He was standing in front of a control panel.

One button had the 'volt' sign...

I looked at the child through the glass.

Why Can't You Get Out of My Head, Ayanokoji?!Where stories live. Discover now