✨Love Finds Its Way- Prologue✨ (~SidNeet)

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So here's the prologue of Love Finds Its Way- SidNeet

A girl asks, "Why are you crying?"

"Nothing I'll miss you." The other girl replied.

The first girl slaps the second. A smirking girl standing behind them clapped and mentally praised herself for a beautiful plan.

"How could you do this?" The first girl asked.

The second replied, "What did I do?"

The first said, "How could you sacrifice your love like this?"

The second girl was shocked to hear something like this from the first girl's mouth.

"I know everything!" The first girl said shocking her more.

"I don't want to say anything. I am sorry." The second said and ran away in a room and locked herself. The girl in a corner smacked her forehead.

"You betrayed me. Why did you do all this?" The boy said to the first girl.

The first girl replied, "Go to your room and open it, you'll get all your answers."


Keep guessing what the plot is all about🙌👀

Part 1 coming up on 06/02/2022

Published on- 05th February 2022


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