✨Love Finds Its Way- 2✨ (~SidNeet)

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Here's the next and the last part of this TS

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

Here's the next and the last part of this TS.

Avneet and Siddharth had a past which she hid from Jannat, the girl who was her best friend. She helped him woo Siddharth and now they were getting married. Another antagonist, Ashnoor wanted to snatch Siddharth since college and knew Avneet. She plotted and put the diary of Avneet in Jannat's room so that she gets to know the whole truth and she hates Avneet. Nothing happens as such and Jannat and Siddharth get married...


Avneet could not control herself. She ran to a corner and started crying. Suddenly she felt a hand on her shoulder. She turned back and saw Jannat.

"Avu why are you crying?" Jannat asks her. Avneet shook her head, "Nothing I'll miss you." She lied.

Jannat slaps her. Ashnoor clapped and mentally praised her for a beautiful plan.

"How could you do this Avneet? How could you!?" Jannat's voice raised. Avneet stammered, "What... what I... what I did?"

"How could you sacrifice your love like this?" Jannat said shouting.

"Jannat?" Avneet was nervous if Jannat knew the truth. "I know everything. Faisu!" Jannat said shocking her more.

The groom came there. He was Faisu not Siddharth.

Faisu looked at Avneet, "Now will you..."

"I don't want to say anything. I am sorry." She ran away in a room and locked herself. Ashnoor mentally slapped herself.

Jannat and Faisu go to Jannat's room. They open the lock and go inside.

"You betrayed my mom, Jannat. Why did you do all this?" Sid asked shouting. "You'll get your answers come with me. Do you have keys of your room?" Jannat shouted back.

"I have them." Sid said calm. "Go and open the lock. We're coming behind you."


"Go you'll get your answers." Jannat said nodding.



She asked me to go to my room. I went and grab the keys and went to my room. I opened the lock and went inside. Oh my god. Avneet!

But why is she here? And why is she crying like this?



Avneet had grabbed her knees towards her chest and buried her face in them and was sobbing.

Jannat and Faisu go inside and locked the room. Sid was standing there like a statue.

Jannat shouted at Avneet, "Avneet tell the truth. Why did you hide all of this from me?" Avneet kept sobbing and replied in between her sobs, "I just got you as a friend and I didn't know that you like Siddharth. So I was just helping you."

Mon Amour (OS/TS Book)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें