District 1: Female: Marilyn Coupe (EternalImmortality19) [PULLED OUT]

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District 1: Female

Name: Marilyn Coupe

Gender: Female

District: 1

Age: 17

Appearence: Blonde hair, blue eyes, tall and slim. Basically the one girl every girl dreams of being.

Background/Description: She is your typical beauty queen. The blonde you see when you think of anyone... blonde. She squeals if she breaks a nail. She is sarcastic and mean and a great friend (if you bother trying). But I guess that's what you are when you're from the wealthiest family in the district. Oh and she might come off as weak but she isn't. Don't be fooled by the blonde.

Weapon of Choice: Knife. Definitely a knife.

Job: She doesn't exactly have one but she works as a fashion consult in her mom's showroom.

Preferred Arena: A forest with many hiding places and a lot of 'surprises'.

District Token: A sapphire pendant that has been passed on through generations.

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