Episode 1: Questions shall be Answered

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Shuri edited a new intro for the series. In the 20 second intro was the cut out clips from the first season, ending it with a clip of Peter sitting on the shows famous chair.

The clip showed Peter with MJ, Ned and Shuri. The four were sitting on the couch.

Shuri: To start this season, we will be having a Q&A.

MJ, pointing at her and Ned: Why are we here?

Peter: Because I'm scared of Shuri, she might convince me to do something stupid for this Series and keep me safe.

Ned: So, we're like bodyguards?

Peter: You can be whatever you want just as long as you guys keep her away from me.

Shuri: You know, I miss the days when you had so much respect for me.

Shuri: Before you used to call me Your Highness Miss Princess Shuri Lady Ma'am... Now you just call me Shuri, sometimes you call me Shoe.

Peter: You threatened me to call you Shuri and your brother, a King, paid me $100 plus some vibranium to call you Shoe as a nickname.

Shuri: This is not the point, you have lost your respect in me.

Peter: Oh, I still do respect you.


Shuri: You know, you should learn to keep the argument going. I was having fun.

MJ: Let's just get this over with. We still have a movie to watch.

Ned: Okay, now you can see we have this fishbowl with strips of paper inside.

MJ: Friday printed the questions from the internet. Of course, all the ones relating to Peter, because why else would we be here?

Shuri: and we are going to join Peter answering all your questions. The fishbowl will go mary-go-round us.

Ned: The fishbowl will have his fun as well.

Peter: Okay first Question. How old is Peter Parker? I'm 16 years old, I just had my birthday as shown in the first season.

MJ, getting a piece of paper in the fishbowl: Peter Parker why?

Peter: Why what?

MJ: That's it...

Peter, confused : Because why not?

Ned: Ohhh, this one is good. How did Peter Parker got his internship at Stark Tower?

Peter, winking at the camera after answering: Because of Youtube

Ned laughed because Peter told him about the time Tony recruited Spider-Man to fight Captain America.

Peter: Sorry, I should answer that properly. Mr. Stark recruited me because he saw my potential as he likes to call it then badda bing badda boom. Yeah, that's about right. I can't disclose much, sorry, me and my aunt signed a NDA.

Shuri: Is Peter Parker the real son of Ironman?

MJ, Ned & Shuri: Yes

Peter: No, no, no. Guys, really? I am not Mr. Stark's son. We are not blood related and I am not adopted.

Peter: Is Peter Parker Tony Stark's so— No

MJ, Ned & Shuri: Yes

Peter glared at his three friends, who just gave him bright smiles.

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