Episode 7: Tea

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He's back.

And it's not a good thing.


Ross is fucking back and he is after Spider-Man.

-These words were displayed in everyone's screen.-

And he took someone who is very important.

*horror/thriller sound effects*

A security footage of Peter walking down the street and suddenly being drag by armed men into a black van was playing in everyone's television.


-The scene cut to investigation room, Friday hacked it.-

The are men slapping Peter's face forcing him to tell them who is Spider-Man.

*some scenes were cut out. What they did to Peter isn't something Friday didn't want to play. Peter was beat up real bad when Ross came in holding a tray with a teacup. Ross removed Peter's handcuffs.

Ross: Okay Mr. Parker, drink up

Peter: Why?

Peter: Why are you offering me tea?

Peter: Is there truth serum in this?

Ross: No-

Peter: Okay.

*Peter, drinks the tea anyway even though he know the Ross was lying.*

Ross: oh—um-okay—Mr. Parker, answer me this question, do you know who is Spider—-

Peter: I don't like this place—

Peter: It gives me the vibes the you want to kill me—

Peter: Well, you basically did that already...

Peter: also you give me the vibes that you kick puppies for fun—


Peter: aside from this creepy warm light that you have over your face, do you know what else isn't a good color on you?

Peter, continuously drinking the tea: being a two face bitch.

Peter, struggling: I'd rather have Flash bully me all day than be here.

Peter, drinks the tea again: also this is a terrible tea...

Peter: I'm just drinking it to be polite—

Peter: but you don't deserve politeness.

Peter: You deserve to be blasted by Mr.Ironman-Stark's repulsor.

Peter: Or be hit by Cap's Shield..

Peter: Be punch in the face using Mr. Bucky-White-wolfs' metal arm.

Peter: Be zap with the widow bites.

Peter: or be shot by Hawkeye

Peter: Be electrocuted by Mr.Thor-Thunder-God

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