Episode 2: Every Waking Moment

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The opening scene was the sun rising, cut to a little montage of the Avengers getting ready to start their day. Clint was preparing breakfast. Tony, Natasha and Bruce were having coffee. Bucky, Sam and Steve just arrive from their ungodly hour jog. Wanda was sitting on the couch eyes wide still processing things as she just decided to wake up and Vision was beside her staring at whatever Wanda was looking while holding a cup of tea for Wanda.

Peter was peacefully sleeping in his bed in the Avengers Compound. One would've thought that it was just a messy bed with unbelievable amount of pillows and probably the thickest and fluffiest duvet and comforter. Why does he have two? Because he can and he just can't decide which one we likes more.

Tony: Friday it's your turn to wake up the kid.

Friday: Yes, I am aware of that.

Tony, grumpily: Yet, I don't see the kid here.

Friday: I do not want to wake him up.

Tony, trying to warn the AI like she was a child: Friday...

Friday: It is a Saturday

Tony: I know and the kid needs to wake up soon or he will be late for his internship.

Friday: He doesn't need to wake up yet.

Tony: Friday! Stop condoning Peter's behavior of sleeping in. He needs to wake up.

Friday: Just because you are awake this early does not mean Peter needs to be awake as well.

Tony: Friday, we both know that Peter needs to report to the intern's lab at 8 in the morning.

Friday: And it's just 6:30 AM in the morning.

Tony: Friday, he still needs to eat his breakfast and take a shower. Peter moves like a sloth sometimes.

Friday: He has plenty of time. He needs more sleep Boss.

Tony having enough of his AI disobeying him, he decided to get up and head towards Peter's room. Friday, knowing what her creator was about to do decided to lock Peter's room. Tony was struggling to open the door even if he entered the code to open the door incase in was locked in the inside.

Tony: Friday open the damn door!

Friday: Sorry Boss, as I have said a while ago. Peter needs more sleep.

This made Tony and started arguing with Friday again, Karen butting in the argument to help Friday. Karen sent Peter's body scan to Friday. As shown in the reports, Peter needs to sleep more because he was staying up past midnight.

Tony, taking May's order way to seriously and that is to make sure Peter gets up on time and that Peter needs to be responsible enough to arrive at work on time because he was a responsible mentor. Not because he was afraid of May giving him a sermon of spoiling Peter.

Peter still unaware of the commotion happening outside his room was still in deep sleep.

Of course May had a word with Friday and Karen that they shouldn't be letting Peter stay up late and kept reminding the AIs of Peter's curfew. May can't scold his nephew because Peter hugged his Aunt and snuggled to her side still half asleep, he woke up in the afternoon.


Sam, was getting ready for his morning jog. Steve and Bucky were both on a mission. The sun wasn't up yet. When he went to the kitchen to get some water he almost had a heart attack seeing a ghost.

Not really, it was just Peter sitting on the counter top with a white comforter covering him eyes red and wide open.

Sam: The fuck— why are you awake this early?!

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