Introduction To My Mind

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Dear Diary,
Do you ever try your best to take in your surroundings and really focus on what you're truly seeing? Whenever I do this I start to freak myself out. I feel as if I don't belong to my body and that all I know, or all I think I know is a lie. My perception of the world is so easily altered it scares me. Reality begins to become frightening, and my mind starts racing with these horrid thoughts. These moments that I experience scare the living shit out of me.

I fear that if people knew how truly messed up I really am, nobody would ever want to associate themselves with me again.

Being a teenager in high school has its difficulties. No matter how much they tell you everyone is experiencing the same problems and are sharing the same feelings and emotions, it's not true. People do have it easier than others...and that's okay. These extra/more extreme problems that these other people have to face help build their character and shape them as human beings. Not to say that the people who have it easier are worse people.

I'm a strong believer in the saying "everything happens for a reason". I believe there is a path set out for us, or at least one to point you in the right direction as long as you listen to the signs. There's a quote from Ed Sheeran that I like to remind myself of everyday. "Everything will be okay in the end. If its not okay, it's not the end." I try to apply this to any down falls I may have in life.

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