"go, Yoshi!"

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Louisa's p.o.v

That part of the story got me to softly smile as I look around to see if anything is recognizable, though I can't really tell. "The ability to move throughout the city unseen, a place to hide and grow" Master Splinter continues to tell the story. "And time to pass on what I had learned in my other life" he finished before pushing the cart ahead. I watch as he threw weapons at what was the guarding-scanners before we hit a wall. Grunting I feel my head phase through the wall before he grabs the cart and runs with it again.

One of the baby turtles stand up and hold the weapon in hand, so I feel a bit worried for him- "be careful, Leonardo" Master Splinter tells him. Ahead there's a Kraangbot that walks right into view, it sees us and aims the gun. Master Splinter didn't slow his pace- kinda picked up it as he rammed right into it, so I yelp. The bot became inactive as it was still under the cart, but I fell out as I grunt and land on the ground hard. Sitting up I power up to not feel pain as I say "well, don't go back into the cart... I'll still feel pain somehow."

I stand up as I stretch a bit, then he fully made sure the Kraangbot was done as he stabbed it in the head which made me side smile. Three of the babies look at Master Splinter confused, but he stood up with his eyes closed. Then he breathed in and out, even I'm getting confused on what's happening right now. "I used to wonder if I had the discipline to be a proper father" Master Splinter told the story still. Chuckling a bit I say "man, you were one of the best fathers I know - that's including my own back home."

A small sound got my attention as my dog ears perk up and I look over to see it's him in his human form as he has the metal fan in hand. He was fanning himself, then I hear a baby sound behind us which made us both turn around. There stood Shen with little baby Miwa "for any family..." that right there made my heart ache. Though he set his hand on the turtles' box as did Shen which made my heart start hurting in a good way. It was like his way of saying that even Shen would approve of him being able to be a father to these four.

"In the darkest part of our journey... I wondered if I would have another chance to be both" that line alone right there made my eyes tear up. I sniffle as I had memories hit of how long I've been there and seen the turtles with Master Splinter. Taking off my glasses I wipe at my tears as my tail is wagging and I chuckle softly to not full-on happy cry. It felt like water enveloped us, though it didn't sweep us away or anything as we still stand here. My eyes widen as we stand here, though it felt as if it wasn't there anymore and I look around again.

Surrounding us is now Kraangbots, one just jumped down as it says "Kraang will dispose of rat mutant but take little mutants." My eyes widen at that as I growl and stand near the cart protectively- even though I wouldn't be able to change anything. I still feel protective over the guys since they're still brother figures to me- them as babies won't change that. If anything it'd make me even more protective since they're more helpless instead of being helpful. "Kraang understands, Kraang will exterminate and capture as Kraang commands" that made me bark a bit.

Though one of the baby turtles handed Master Splinter a katana as he glares forward saying "never!" This made me smile up at him. My tail still wags as I listen to him "beings of beyond this world.. you want these mutants - here, I will give them to you." With that he got in his fighting stance and starts fighting the Kraangbots as they ran at him. Then he runs towards some and takes them down that way- either way he's doing great. Sighing softly I smile as I decide to just calm down as I cross my arms again "go, Yoshi!" I yell out.

He kept up the fighting and easily sliced three Kraangbots at once "Kraang! Attack for Kraang!!" One Kraangbot yells while pointing at Splinter. Kraangbots start to go for him after that as the one just stayed back to command the other Kraangbots. "This would be our-" I don't really know what word he used while also knowing I'll probably never know it. Splinter kept fighting the Kraangbots, so I smile as I jump in my spot as I see him fight them. "A final stand to claim these sewers as ours" Master Splinter continued to tell the tale- and I watch as he fought these robots.

Splinter fought these guys with ease, so I lean more on one foot than the other as my tail sways softly- baby turtles made weird noises. Looking to my side I see that there's a Kraangbot is towering over them as it looks down at them. It was probably about to grab them, so I growl as I try to punch it- just to have my hand go through it. "Leave them be!" Master Splinter yells out which got the Kraangbot to turn and look back at him. Master Splinter then tackled the Kraangbot and the cart starts rolling away.

I gasp as I run after it and see they're about to fall down into some sewer water, so my eyes widen as I try to grab the cart. It was futile as my hands just kept going through it- and them- as they are looking at Splinter scared. They're reaching their little hands out, just wanting help from their father as they feel scared. I look back at Master Splinter to see what's taking him so long, but he was having both hands held by the Kraangbot. 'Come on- you have to save the guys!!' I think worried as he struggled to get his arms free.


Okay that's it, but not forever~ Now I hope I can come out of my shell to write you another chapter soon!


2012 TMNT Lone Rat and Cubs (including a new character)Where stories live. Discover now