Secret Chamber

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Louisa's p.o.v

Then he just starts headbutting the Kraangbot before reaching into where the Kraang is and yanked it right out of the robot. My jaw dropped as I watch this, the brain is just squealing scared as it's being held up in the air. Though the sound of the cart finally falling got my attention as my eyes widen and I look back. The babies scream as they fall, so I gasp as I jump down after them without a second thought. The four took a deep breath before they ended up being under the sewer water, though when I went down I didn't need to.

'So called perks of being in a memory' I think to myself as I follow them down to where they are and see that they're so far down in the water. I'm really questioning the logic within being in a memory, but at this point I'm gonna ignore it. Swimming back up I freeze my hand over Master Splinter's causing his eyes to widen. He gasped as I just tug him down to show him where the boys are "some type of... spirit helped me find you." He was still telling the story, so my eyes widen as I bring him to where the boys are.

"If not for that... who knows if I would've found you in time or not" Master Splinter says again as we get to the cart. I unfreeze my hand and he grabs the cart, just trying to get them out... but he couldn't from how heavy it felt underwater. Focusing hard enough I freeze up my hands and grab the cart, so I help him lift the cart up. "That spirit even helped me free you four from being trapped underwater" Splinter informs them again. The four hit against his stomach, so he holds them close as we're being sucked away.

I unfreeze my hands as I am floating away with them, I zone out as we keep going- at a certain point in time there's a scenery change. Powering up I fly up above the water and just fly above the five as they float down in the sewer water. The babies are just using their father to help them swim around as he was just basically out cold. He groans though after a second as he barely opens his eyes, taking one turn we got to somewhere where there's light. Once here Master Splinter picked up all four and set them on the dry land as he barely got there himself.

The babies walk a bit as they look tired, but Splinter fell right back onto his stomach as he's panting- looking exhausted. 'Oh, I'm sorry, Yoshi... I wish I could help-' my eyes widen as I watch the baby turtles run up to him. Master Splinter looks at them as they stand by him worried, then he hugs them softly getting them to smile. He was smiling too- then he fell asleep, so I hum in thought before powering up my hands. I wave them over his body as I try to make sure he wouldn't be sore when he woke up or anything.

It took him a while to wake up- a fly had to land on his nose and everything causing him to wake up a bit scared at the sudden touch I guess. "No!!" He screamed as he sat up, then he breathes in and out while looking forward. There's not really anything in here as he looks around to see where he is and he pants softly. That's when the babies smile at him and go over to him getting his attention as he looks down at them. Standing up is when I hear him still telling the story "finally, in this isolated secret chamber... we were safe."

The scenery changes again as it goes bright and then I'm back in the dojo with Master Splinter and the young turtles. He smiles down at them saying "and that is how our first great adventure... led us home." I smile at this and chuckle softly, my tail is still wagging a bit as he stands up- still talking apparently. "Now, I have a gift for each of you as we continue our journey" Master Splinter informs them with a smile. The young turtles, so he walked towards a wall "although these are mostly from your own choosing.. it is clear to me, they chose you."

'IS THIS WHEN THEY GET THEIR WEAPONS?!' I think happily as I grab out my t-phone again for this, first he held out Leo's katana

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'IS THIS WHEN THEY GET THEIR WEAPONS?!' I think happily as I grab out my t-phone again for this, first he held out Leo's katana. "The katana - a royal samurai weapon" Master Splinter says while holding the weapon to young Leo. Leo accepts the weapon as Splinter adds "for those with courage and keen skill." With that he bows a bit with his forehead on the hilt of the weapon saying "hai, sensei." From that angle behind him I take a picture thinking it was a bit cute since it was when he first got his katana.

Master Splinter then stepped in front of young Raph with the sais saying "the sai - for a fierce and fearless warrior, who'll always fight the hardest for his family

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Master Splinter then stepped in front of young Raph with the sais saying "the sai - for a fierce and fearless warrior, who'll always fight the hardest for his family." 'Nice!' I think to myself as young Raph accepts the sais saying "thank you, sensei." For this I barely got the picture in time for when Master Splinter handed the sais off, so I smile. Master Splinter is now at young Donnie saying "the bo-staff - for a thoughtful soul and a peaceful heart." This one was a bit easy to take since they both held the bo-staff for a good amount of time for me to take the picture.

" This one was a bit easy to take since they both held the bo-staff for a good amount of time for me to take the picture

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Of course young Donnie wasn't all that happy with having the bo-staff... though Donnie Donnie wasn't either, but he's learned to accept it. "Aw, man- a stick?" Young Donnie asks while looking at the bo-staff, so I softly chuckle at this. Though lastly was young Mikey-... who was still eating before he looks up at Master Splinter. He hid the popcorn container behind his back as he smiles up at his father, ready for what he'll get. Master Splinter went down on one knee while holding out the nunchucks with a smile.


Okay that's it, but not forever~ Now I hope I can come out of my shell to write you another chapter soon!


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