Chapter 1 - Give It Back!

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"Hey give it back!" You yelled, running after him, your shoes clicking against the concrete with each step. "If you want it so bad Y/N, then come and get it!!!" He yelled back, waving your sketchbook up in the air, looking back at you as he stuck his tongue out teasingly. Michael had stolen your sketchbook again, which was the norm nowadays, considering you never could get him to stop no matter how hard you tried. It happened so much, but it was like you had a soft spot for him, you could never gather the courage to forcibly make him stop. It was like a routine. Steal. Chase. Get back. Repeat.

"Just give it back Michael!"

Michael stopped. He looked at you for a second, before raising his brows as a smirk creeped upon his face. You were out of breath. There would've been no way you could've chased him anymore. Michael looked at you. He knew you wouldn't be able to catch him. You had only succeeded to catch him once, and that was only because you had a bike that time. Michael looked at you, not saying anything. Until finally, he spoke.

"What's the magic word?'

You looked at him. You had this pissed off look on your face when he said that. "Magic word? I'm not a first grader, Mike!" You were pretty pissed off already when he stole the sketchbook. Him asking for a magic word made it so much worse.

"Tell me the magic word, or I'll look through it without any hesitation."

The last this you needed was for him to look through that sketchbook. He would never stop teasing you if he looked at your practice drawings! You sighed.


He hands you your sketchbook, laughing. "Good job, not so hard now, was it?" (Sorry I took out the praise comment guys, it was awful.)

You snatch the sketchbook from his hands. "Thanks, jerk." He smirks, "Your welcome, shorty." You grab a rock off of the ground and throw it at him. "How many times do I have to tell you to stop calling me that!" He snickered. "Woah! Relax, Y/N! I was just joking!" He said, scratching his head. You sighed. "Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Sure." Michael looked down at you, since the two of you had such a height difference. "So, would you like to stay the night at my house?"

Your parents are always at work. You knew that they wouldn't mind you staying at Michael's house. "Yeah, sure. That's fine." You said, trying to act mad at Michael. He looked at you. "Awe, someone's mad..." He teased. "Shut up Michael!" You were trying to be mad at him, but you just couldn't do it. You sighed. "Lets just go to your house..." Michael looked at you. "As you wish."

You and him begin to walk towards his house. "My dad isn't going to be home until around 8 pm tonight...But my mother will be around." Michael said, just making sure you knew. "Okay, that's fine. I get the feeling your dad doesn't exactly like me very much." "He's never shown much emotion towards people. I promise he doesn't hate you, Y/N." "Whatever you say Michael.."

You two finally make it to his house. He opens the door for you, as if he's trying to act like a gentleman. You thank him and walk inside. You take off your shoes by the door, to be polite. Michael walks in after you. This is the first time your actually going to be staying the night at Michael's house. You stay silent until you remember, that you forgot to run back to your house and grab some clothes. "Dammit! I forgot some clothes!" You said, facepalming. "Calm down Y/N. You can borrow some of mine."

You blushed at the fact that you would be getting to wear some of Michaels clothes. "Thanks Mike." "Your welcome Y/N. Also, your blushing, you don't happen to....Like me, do you?" You turned red faced when you heard this. "Me? Like you? No! Not at all!" You said, fast, trying to cover the fact that you have a huge crush on him up. "Whatever, but if you think I'm attractive, just say so." He said, taking off his shoes and leaving them at the door.

(A/N: I will start writing the next few chapters over the weekend! I will try to not keep you guys waiting very much!!!)

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