Chapter 18 - Surprise?

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Michael had remembered the conversation from earlier and decided to continue it. 

"Y/N...You said you didn't take birth control, right?"

You nod. 

"Do you think what happened this morning might have been morning sickness.....?"

Your eyes widen. "M-maybe..."

"I could go to the store and get you a test if you want, we won't know unless I do."

"Yeah, just go do that."

Michael stands up and then he grabs his keys and walks outside. You say on the couch, tapping your feet. You were nervous. It could be anything. If you were pregnant, you have no idea how your parents would react. You sat there for about 10 minutes before Michael came back with 3 different tests. 

He handed them to you. "Take all three. If they are all positive then we will know."

You nod and then you stand up and walk into the restroom and take all the tests. You sat them on the bathroom counter next to the sink. You walk out of the bathroom and then sit on the couch.

"You go look at them Michael. I can't do it."

Michael nods. He waits 3 minutes and then he walks into the bathroom. He looks at the tests and he even brings them out to show you.


You look up from the floor and look at Michael. He was holding not 1, not 2, but 3 positive tests. Tears began to roll down your cheeks. Michael sat the tests down on the table and then he hugged you. 

"It's gonna be okay..."

You had the fear that Michael would leave you. "A-are you gonna leave me....?"

"Y/N. Why would I leave you? I love you. A lot more than I can say with words."

You took some deep breaths and calmed down. Michael kept you in a hug and he picked you up and took you to bed. You two decided that you would tell your families tomorrow. You were nervous but decided to do it anyways.

(Time Skip!!!!!)

It was morning, you had just woke up and you have started getting ready to go visit you and Michael's Families. You and Michael got in the car and he drove over to your family's house first since you hadn't seen them in a while. You and Michael pulled into the driveway and you walked up to the door and knocked to which, your mother answered.

"Hello Y/N."

"Hey Mother, I'm here to tell you and father something, if he is home."

"He is home, you guys come in."

You and Michael walk inside and sit down on the couch. Your mother and father walk in to the living room and say down on the other couch. 

"So, Y/N, what was it that you needed to tell us?"

You took a deep breath. "I'm..."

Your parents waited for you to say it.


Your dad's eyes widened, and your mother stood up.

"Y/N L/N. You just turned 18 and your already pregnant?!?!?" 

Your mother gets up and smacks you across the face and Michael stands up and stands in front of you. Your mother even attempted to throw a punch but Michael caught her fist.

"Trying to hit your pregnant daughter? That's fucked up."

Your mother backed away and then she just told you guys to leave. You and Michael leave and then go to Clara's house to tell her. You guys get there and walk inside. Clara sits down on the couch and you guys tell her. She gives you and Michael a hug.

"You two will be great parents." 

You and Michael smile and then you two leave to go back home. You guys get home and then you guys simply watch tv for a while and then go to sleep.

(Sorry for the rushed chapter...)

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