Chapter 9 - Hesitations

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I then remembered how those children died and began to get hesitant. I didn't even realize that a few hours passed until I got a call from Michael. I answered it


"Hey, Y/N."

"Hey Michael, what's up?"

"Nothing much, just wondering why you didn't come to school today."

"Oh, I overslept."

"Oh, but that's besides the point. I called to ask if you wanted to come over and stay the night tonight since my mom won't be home and neither will Evan or Elizabeth."


"Okay, I'll pick you up at 6."

"Okay, that's fine, bye."

"Bye Y/N."

I hang up and I run upstairs to grab my backpack since tomorrow is a school day and then I go back downstairs to watch a show until Michael comes to pick me up. 

After a while I heard a knock at the door and sure enough, it was Michael. He looked at me and said "Are you ready Y/N?" and I replied with "Yeah, I think so." We go out to his car and he drives to his house.

(Sorry for the short chapter but I wanna release the NSFW chapter soon!!!!)

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