Apologies + Updates + Addressing things

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Hello everyone! Author here. I'd like to thank for the support on this story. This was a silly little story i wrote back when i didn't really know how to write, therefore it is nowhere near my best works.

I apologize for the shitty smut I provided to you guys, and I may go back and fix it after I read over that myself.

The follow up story to this will most likely not have updates for a while until I get my life more stable, and my current stories up and going. I need one steady project.

Next, addressing the question as to how old the reader and Michael are in this book. They are 18. They have almost graduated their senior year, and in the second book, in the introduction, their ages are stated in the opening, so no, this isn't minors having sex that you're reading. They are indeed adults.

I understand I probably should've previously addressed this, but I didn't think of this.

For now, the FNaF story era is over, and I'm working on my Ghost Band fictions.

Happy reading everyone. Thank you for the support.

Falling In Love (Michael Afton x Fem Reader Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now