Dead Air (Rated PG13)

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Sebastian manages to swipe Kurt's cell phone number the day before Kurt loses his phone and decides to buy a new one. That sucks for Sebastian's original plan, but it's okay. Sebastian decides to use this as an opportunity to vent every feeling he's ever had about Kurt Hummel ...

... because there's no chance anyone is ever going to see those messages ... right?


An AU that assumes Kurt stayed at Dalton when Sebastian returned and that they are all in the same grade.


"Jesus Christmas!" Kurt exclaims out of nowhere, cutting short the conversation he'd been leading about Stephen Sondheim on Spotify. He starts rifling through his book bag like his life depends on it, then searching the pockets of his slacks – first patting them down, then shoving his hands deep in them as if expecting them to open up, revealing storage areas previously unknown.

"What's wrong?" Blaine asks, looking up from his biscotti and medium drip.

"My stupid phone," Kurt huffs, searching his bag a second time, removing its contents piece by piece to be sure. "I've lost it ... again! What does this make?"

"Three times this week," Sebastian mutters to himself, but not because he's paying attention. But because Kurt's voice is so loud and obnoxious, it draws attention to itself without even trying.

"I think this makes the third time this week," Blaine offers.

"Bingo," Sebastian agrees between bites of his toast.

"Well, you know what this means ..." Kurt tosses down his bag in frustration, then re-thinks that and rescues it from the filthy ground.

"That you're not responsible enough to own a phone?" Sebastian jeers from his seat three tables away. He could get up and say it to Kurt's face, but the more time goes by, the less he cares about insulting Kurt where the boy can hear. Kurt doesn't let fly with his banshee wailing or his clap-backs anymore. He simply rolls his eyes and goes about his business.

It isn't fun anymore.

But that has nothing to do with Kurt and a lot to do with Sebastian. Kurt is actually being mature, abiding by the truce he, Blaine, and Sebastian came to – to remain civil towards one another for the remainder of their time at Dalton. Kurt has held up his end, mostly by ignoring Sebastian's entire existence. That was the only way he could see for their truce to work. The two of them have nothing in common except a deep-seeded loathing for one another.

That is also Sebastian's fault.

Kurt sighs. "I guess I'm not responsible enough to own a phone."

Sebastian chokes on his toast.

"On the contrary," Blaine says. "If anything, it means you need a new phone. And I think that this afternoon would be the perfect time to go buy one. You know you've been looking to trade up to an iPhone."

"Until I found out that I won't be able to keep my old number for some reason. That's going to be a hassle."

"But it's worth it," Blaine sings, flashing his own iPhone, knowing how much Kurt's been coveting it.

"I don't think I have it in my budget to buy a new phone," Kurt argues, gathering up his things and getting ready to let Blaine persuade him to buy one anyway.

"But you had enough money to get that atrocious skull bowtie," Sebastian mutters. Though, to be frank, he thought the bowtie looked dashing. More so than some of Kurt's other bowties ... specifically the ones that Blaine has given him.

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