Uninvited (Rated PG13)

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Out at a club one rainy Friday night, Blaine is trying to rekindle the relationship he and Kurt once had, back in Dalton, when they first fell in love, while Kurt wonders if he jumped back in to his role as 'fiance' quicker than advisable. But from out of nowhere, someone else steps in to give Kurt a third option to possibly consider...


Okay, a few notes. I had originally written this for the Kurtoberfest prompt 'dark and stormy night', but it's not scary. That said, before anyone mentions it in the comments, yes, neither of these guys is better than the other. All three of them are selfish. But they're young. And young people are allowed to be selfish. Blaine cheated and Sebastian was an ass. In this setting, we are supposed to see them both as not necessarily the greatest, but not entirely irredeemable. That's why Kurt's loyalty sways. This can be considered Klaine or Kurtbastian, depending on how you, the reader, perceive it. I sat on putting it up because I really just foresaw people being rude about it. It's also written in reverse. We see the aftermath (kind of) first, and then we see what happened before it. Takes place during the 'Pumpin' Blood' portion of the episode "Opening Night" and assumes that Hunter never took over as captain of the Warblers.


"So, we're really going to do this again?" Kurt asked, tagging along behind as Rachel, Santana, and Tina led the way. They'd decided to ditch their usual Saturday Sondheim Karaoke Night at Callbacks to try something entirely new – new scene, new part of the city, even a new night. The nightclub they took three trains and two buses to get to on this ridiculously dark and stormy Friday night, Santana had heard about from a friend. For Kurt, holding on to Blaine's hand as they weeded through the crowd, felt like déjà vu – not just the venue, but that question. It seemed like Kurt had been asking himself that a lot lately with regard to his life, but especially his relationship with Blaine, everything having circled back around to the start to give him a second chance.

But sometimes Kurt felt so closed in by everything, shoved in one direction without an opportunity to experiment, to explore, that he wasn't entirely sure whether or not he'd made the right decision in taking it.

"Well, you did say you wanted to be my gay bar superstar."

Kurt rolled his eyes. He wasn't ever going to live that one down. "True, but I think after my last disastrous attempt that maybe that ship has sailed."

Blaine stopped walking and pulled Kurt aside, out of the walkway so that people could pass, taking advantage of the privacy provided by a recess in a nearby wall.

"Then how about you just dance with me?" Blaine asked, his voice twining around the words, lips sealing them with a kiss before sending them to Kurt's ear. "I miss watching you move."

Kurt swallowed that sentence when Blaine leaned in for a quick bite on his lower lip – marking him dominantly.

Since they'd moved to New York, Blaine had started sounding less like the drifting, insecure boy who had graduated McKinley, and more like the self-assured, confident, captain of the Warblers that Kurt had met back on the staircase at Dalton. Kurt loved all of Blaine, every version of him, from the dapper man in the blue blazer and striped tie who once advised Kurt to do his best to blend in when he himself couldn't stand out more if he tried; to the straight-A student in bow ties and cardigans who walked the halls of McKinley with his head down most days, trying to lose himself in the crowd. But Kurt had to admit that Dalton Blaine was the one he'd always favored, and not because of everything that went along with the alpha-male persona he'd projected.

It was that version of Blaine that Kurt first fell in love with. The one that always looked out for him. The one that wanted to protect him. The one that stood behind him when he needed it most.

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