Falling Down

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Mork woke up with a scowl. In his sleep he was jealous. Again. How fucked up is this? Nowadays he felt constant jealousy...about Pi. He thought that he forgot this embarrassing feeling centures ago. But now the monster is awakened again.
Two days ago they went to a university party. Separately for privacy, but Mork for the whole night couldnt take his eyes from Pi and that friend of him. Jake. Pi acts so freely and cheerful around him. And that boy (who supposedly is just a friend) couldn't withhold his smile each time Pi being adorable. Anyone can see that something is fishy!
Mork sighed heavily...this is maddening! Why is he still dating Pi. It's been already 3 months. He never dated that long before. And the worst part is why he jealous? This was planned to be just a game out of boredom.
The random thought of breaking up came to mind but Mork's heart suddenly ached with sorrow. Fuck...he cant do it, he cant leave Pi!
Pi...that boy...so warm, so soft and loving. How he can let him go? Even the thought of Pi dating anyone else was horrible. Sigh...

Also lately Mork became more involved in his father's business. That dirty place, filled with dirty money. Mork observed his room. So luxurous, it was payed by people's tears and blood. He knew it...since the childhood. Father never hid from his only son what he did for a living. The house was always filled with guns, knives, bodyguards, random girls and money. With unhappiness.
Mork watched through the years how his mother became more and more cold until completely closing off. But he still remembers how lovable she was being a young mum. How she spoiled him. He misses it, the love, the safety...Pi... now he feels like his home. He should never know what Mork has to take as heritage. He can't disobey his father, and he can't tell the truth to Pi.

Mork felt sick today, yesterday was awful, even he felt hurt after beating up that innocent man who owed the father some money. You can't be soft in this business but Mork probably is not yet ready for it. He felt no energy to even stand up from his bed. To take his phone.
Close to the evening Mork heard the door bell ringing. He slowly opened the door. And saw Pi standing on the other side, face worried and sad. Mork's head was heavy, filled with jealousy, that man's blood, his screams...a mess... pain and falling down...so he dragged Pi inside of his apartment and started kissing him like love deprived. Pi tried to resist but Mork was obviously stronger, desperately holding him. Mork was in mental pain. Pi tried to break the kiss, to run away, but Mork pushed him down on black sofa. Pi didnt scream, he was just trying to stay afloat. To not cry in front of Mork. He felt that despair. Pi knew he put himself in this situation by ignoring the worrisome signals Mork gave away. He knew he was dating a wrong guy. And now this is happening. Pi can feel the dark vibe Mork is giving off right now, he didnt know where the Mork's mind was wandering. Pi just knew they are crossing the red lines. There is nowhere to hide from the waves of the man's anger.
Mork whispered: "Baby, please kiss me! It hurts so much! I love you, I just want to be loved! Please kiss me. Please!"
Single tear dropped from Pi's eye and with defeat he anxiously kissed him back. Pi tried to relax in Morks hold. This is not how he imagined this happening. Wrong! Wrong! But why his heart is weak again.
Morks quickly unbuckled his belt. His baby was with him. He cant wait anymore. Pi whimpered a little when Mork stripped off his clothes. Fuck...Pi's skin is so soft. So tender boy. So submissive. His voice when Mork softly sucked his nipple...Mork completely lost it. Tomorrow will never come, today he is not regretting anything...not when he can dispers his fears, pain and jealousy in Pi's warmth, in his body, his innocence.

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