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Mirabel and Camilo was now walking downstairs when suddenly Camilo stops and look at someone "W-what, why did you stop-" Mirabel asks but just follow Camilo's stare 

"Oh..." Mirabel said and bite her lips looking at Camilo's reaction, well they just saw Carlos wiping Sora's hand and dress as they laugh with each other, the way Carlos touches Sora's cheeks as they look at each other. "T-that's fine let's just go and help Tía Julieta" Camilo said giving a painfully smile to Mirabel as he walks to the kitchen, they walk pass by the two but Camilo didn't bother to look at their way "Oh, Camil-" Sora said as she notices Camilo, she stops when she realizes Camilo didn't even bother to look on her way. 

"It's fine, let's just ignore him mm-hmm," Carlos said and hold one hand of Sora to go somewhere. Let's take a look at Palma who has been watching the two having their sweet moments "I'm so proud of you Carlos, continue whatever you doing so that we would be the powerful Familia here in Encanto" Palma said to herself and smile widely

"You look so happy Palma," Catalina said as she stands beside Palma "Of course I am, what about you?" Palma asks looking at Catalina smiling 'Well I'm not.' Catalina thought and left Palma who just look at her walk away "She didn't even bother to answer my question, so rude" Palma again said to her and rolled her eyes.

"One point to Carlos Gutierrez," Mateo said and write it down "Write one point to Camilo too," Alejandro said to his son who seems to confuse "Why would I write one point to Camilo? what did he do?" Mateo said looking at his father who look at him too trying to think of an answer 

"I don't know, he seems jealous when he saw Carlos and Sora laughing with each other" Alejandro said and stands awkwardly not looking at his son who only raise an eyebrow at his father 

"That's not counted Pá, he even ignores Sora as she was about to call his name," Mateo said and pouted aggressively "He did it 'cause he was jealous, it's so obvious," Alejandro said and cough a little "Still, it's not counted he made my little sister upset," Mateo said still wearing his aggressive pout 

"But you said you like Camilo more," Alejandro said at his son and giggle "I do, but he made my little princess upset just a minutes ago," Mateo said and cross his arms pouting in a cute way now which was seen by Ines who was now walking on her way to Mateo holding a chocolate drink 

"So cute, Mateo are you always like this? Sora must be so lucky to always see this type of Mateo" Ines said trying her best to look cute in front of Mateo "Well I guess it's my time to leave now and help the others" Alejandro said and walk away "oh she doesn't see-" Mateo said but was cut off by Ines who was now bowing 90⁰ "I'm sorry about earlier! I didn't mean it Isabela was just being annoying!" Ines said fake crying well it's obvious 

'Isabela didn't do anything wrong you're just being a b*tch who was trying too hard to impress me but failed because of my Señorita Perfectá Isabela' Mateo thought and smiled awkwardly at the bowing Ines 

"It's fine you didn't do anything wrong," Mateo said and as he brushes his hair awkwardly 'Didn't do anything wrong my as*' Mateo again thought. "So, you're agreeing that everything that happens earlier was because Isabela right?!" Ines screams and hugs Mateo tightly. 

Because of Ines shout she get everyone's attention which Mateo hates the most "What? I didn't say it was her fault!" Mateo said making sure everyone hears it "So it was my fault?" Ines said looking at Mateo with her puppy eyes as she starts to fake cry again 

"Of course, it was your fault, it's obvious. If you weren't always trying too hard to impress Mateo and the others, everything is fine." Camilo said with his straight face and deep tone.

By now, everyone was looking at their way and starts to gossips ( Marites ). "How dare you to say that to my cousin?!" Carlos said as he steps into the scene "She deserves it" Camilo said and receive a punch from Carlos 

"Carlos!" one of the girls Carlos once flirted with shouts and run to him to stop him from doing anything "Carlos stop it!" Palma shouts at his son and smirk she didn't even do anything to stop him other than shout at him "Let go of me Savannah, I don't want you to get hurt" Carlos said and gently removes Savannah's hand from him.  

All of it was witnessed by Sora who was standing there at the side shocked by what she was seeing by now she doesn't know what she was feeling she felt hurt and jealous? 

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