Chapter 1

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I pull up outside Dom's house, less than an hour after Dom calls telling me that he needs my help with something. I walk up the drive to see him sat at a table with everyone. "Hey Becca" he greets me. "Hey. What's going on? Is everything ok?" I reply as I give him a quick hug and move onto everyone else. "The house was blown up but everyone's ok" Dom explains and we all give each other a worried look. Dom takes our silence as a sign to continue. "And Han was killed in Tokyo by Owen Shaw's brother. It seems the events of London have followed us home and Owen Shaw's brother is after us" he continues and I feel my breath get caught in my throat. Owen's brother. "Deckard" I mutter and everyone looks at me surprised. "Yeah" Dom replies hesitantly. "How do you know?" he asks me and I sigh, realising I need to tell them my relation to Deck. "I knew him and his brother when I was 16" I answer simply, the details aren't important. "And you didn't think to tell us when we were dealing with Owen" Roman questions me, seemingly angry. "I tried to stop Owen by talking to him but he wouldn't listen. I tried to save him from being thrown out of the plane but Dom pulled me back before I could reach him" I answer quickly and frustrated. They all stare at me, unsure of what to say. "I haven't seen either of them since I was 18, but I know that Deck won't stop until he avenges Owen" I elaborate and hope that they aren't mad at me. "I'm sorry I never told you guys but I didn't want you to think I couldn't help" I apologise and sit at the table as everyone remains silent. "It's ok" Brian says and I look at him shocked. He smiles and walks towards me and rests a hand on my shoulder. I smile at him thankfully before everyone agrees that it's ok. I feel guilty for not telling them everything but they'll surely not let me help if I tell them everything.

A week later we're all attending Han's funeral dressed in black clothes. Dom makes his way to Han's casket while we all stand back in silence. "I can't do no more funerals" Roman states to the rest of us. "First Han. Now Hobbs is layed up of all people, we're being hunted" Tej adds to Roman's statement and my mind wanders to me and Deck. Is he really hunting us all down? Does he know I'm involved? Would that stop him? Of course it wouldn't, we haven't seen each other in 13 years. Why would he stop just because of me? I notice Dom eyeing a grey car driving through the cemetery and I know it's Deck. I miss him and start to think about the last time I saw him.

"I'm sorry" I apologise and look down at my feet, ashamed. "Hey, it's ok. You don't need to apologise" he replies and takes my face in his hands and makes me look at him. "But if I wasn't going to this school then I wouldn't be leaving and we wouldn't be breaking up" I explain as my eyes begin to fill with tears. I had gotten into a university that was abroad and Deck and I decided long distance was a terrible idea. Practically every long distance relationship I had heard of had ended badly and Deck and I didn't want to end on an argument. So we've decided to mutually break up while we're in a good place and happy, before things get difficult for us. "No, you've worked hard for this and I'm not going to let you throw it away because of me" he assures me as he wipes a tear from my cheek. "I love you Bex. I always will" he says softly as he looks into my eyes. "I love you too Dex" I reply and wrap my hands around his wrists. "You're gonna do amazing out there" he tells me with a smile and I smile back as a tear falls down his cheek. I wipe it away before wrapping my arms around his neck. He wraps his arms around my waist and we stand in each others arms for what feels like an eternity. "I'm gonna miss you" I whisper in his ear and he tightens his grip around my waist. "I'm gonna miss you too" he whispers and I feel him shudder slightly from the crying. He pulls away but doesn't move his hands from my waist. "I love you Dex" I say one more time. "I promise I will never stop loving you" I add while cupping his face. "I promise to never stop loving you too" he replies and pulls me towards him. He crashes his lips to mine and I hold his face while I kiss him for the last time. We pull apart and we wipe the tears from each others cheeks before I slowly step away from him. We hold each others hands until we're too far apart and I quickly leave before I change my mind and stay.

I come back to reality and feel a tear fall down my face from thinking of the memory. I quickly wipe it away before I see Dom run for his car. I reluctantly stay beside Brian, knowing that seeing Deck probably wouldn't be a good idea. I still love him. I promised him I'd never stop and I haven't. "Just promise me this Brian. No more funerals" Roman pleads with Brian. "Just one more" Brian replies confidently. "His" he adds and I feel my breath get caught in my throat. They'll kill him but Deck wants to kill us all too, including me. I watch Dom race after Deck and avoid the thought of what they'll do to each other. Brian, Roman, Tej and I finish saying goodbye to Han before we all start making our way out of the cemetery. Before any of us get the chance to leave a black SUV pulls up in front of us and a man gets out and tells us we need to come with him. We all give him a questioning look before glancing at each other. "I can take you to Dominic Toretto" he tells us and we all agree and get in the SUV.

We get out of the car and into a warehouse with multiple cars and we see Dom walking towards us and he greets us all. Another man in a black suit enters and Dom explains who he is and what we're doing here. It turns out we're helping him so he'll help us find Deck. Although, I'm not interested in finding Deck, I'm trying to avoid him. Mr Nobody explains the location of a motorcade holding a hacker known as Ramsey who developed a rapid tracking system called God's Eye. He explains that we'll need to intercept the motorcade and get Ramsey before she tells them where God's Eye is. "So let me get this straight, there's only one road that leads in or out. Sheer drops on every side. A motorcade from hell, protected by an army for one mile in either direction?" Roman asks in disbelief and Mr Nobody replies "Ye" nonchalantly, as if it's nothing. "You done?" Nobody's agent asks. "No, I'm not done" Roman interrupts. "So you all wanted me to break into a police station, fine. Then you asked me to stop a tank, I wasn't happy about it but I did it. Then you had this brilliant idea to shoot down one of the largest airplanes, ever. I shot that shit out the sky, m, it's nothing" He continues making us all chuckle at his theatrics. "But this right here, my friend, happens to be the stupidest idea I've ever heard of in my life" He finishes. "I forgot you were the only one to shoot the plane down" Tej points out sarcastically. "No, the only thing I've seen him take down was no-knees Denise, at prom" Brian jokes and we all chuckle at the joke while Roman gives him an unimpressed look. "Really Brian?" he asks. He then gives us the ultimatum, if he doesn't start making decision then he leaves.

"Alright, Roman. What you got?" Dom asks him simply. Roman tries to sidestep it and say he didn't mean right now and Tej, Brian and I just shake our heads with grins. Roman eventually chooses somewhere on the map to hit the motorcade from. "I don't think-" Nobody's agent starts. "No, no, don't think. That's my job" Roman interrupts him once again. "Ok. It is impossible to hit it from there. That is the most secure part of the mountain. Why? Because you cannot physically access it" Nobody's agent argues. "That's what makes it so sweet. They'd never see it coming" Roman responds. Mr Nobody nods his head in agreement and the rest of the group agree. We just need a plan on how to get on that road and we all look at Roman expectantly. "Tej?" he asks and we all wait for Tej's response. "I think I might actually have a plan for that" he responds. Mr Nobody's agent gives Roman an unimpressed look and Roman responds confidently, "What? I delegated. That's what good leaders do" and I can't help myself but grin at him.

Mr Nobody begins to leave and says "Consider my workshop your playground, I'm sure you'll find our cars extremely appealing. And your team is now complete" before we see Letty enter the warehouse. Once her and Dom are finished talking he begins telling us all what we need on our cars and tells Tej to combine two different cars to create a "demon love child". While he does that Letty gives us all a hug. "It's good to see you" I say and she says "You too" before we pull apart. "That's a lot of armour, it's just gonna add more weight, it's gonna slow you down" Tej argues about the cars. "This time it ain't just about being fast" Dom replies with a grin. We all smile back before getting to work.

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