Chapter 17

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I walk out beside Deck to see the jet that Margarita set up for us. "That's our ride" Deck states before Hobbs replies "I call shotgun". "No, I got shotgun" Deck responds instantly and I roll my eyes. "No, don't start" Hobbs orders as we begin walking to the jet. They continue to argue so I just climb into the jet and sit in the passenger seat. They both look at me once they climb in. "Now neither of you've got shotgun" I state and put my helmet on with a grin. I hear them groan before getting into the back seats and I can't help but smile at my victory.

We arrive in the drop zone and I hear Deck ask Hobbs if he's ready. "Ye, I'm ready" Hobbs replies obviously. "On my three" Deck states and Hobbs nods as he starts to count down. Hobbs pulls Deck's ejector seat before he reaches 2 and Deck screams as he's sent out of the jet. Hobbs and I laugh as we hear Deck shout "You asshole!" to Hobbs. We both pull our own ejector seats and meet Deck in the air. "Nobody tells me what to do" Hobbs states to Deck and I laugh at them.

We land on the ground and disconnect our parachutes instantly and start making our way through the facility. I see an agent around the corner and pass Deck my gun before running towards the agent. I drop to the ground and swing my foot under his, knocking his feet out from underneath him. He falls to the ground and I kick him in the face, knocking him unconscious. The guys follow me until we reach the vent that we need to get down. They open them and we drop down and land on our feet before starting to remove some of our unnecessary gear. Hobbs sets up the hydrogen detonator before telling us "We ain't gonna wanna be here when this thing goes off". That's obvious, that thing is gonna blow this place to pieces. "Looks like she's 400 yards through there. They're holding her in some kind of medical pod" Deck explains, looking at Hattie's location. "The detonator's set for 45 minutes. We get in, get out" Hobbs adds. "Blow this death factory to pieces" I state, determined to destroy this place. "Remember, the hallway. No guns" Deck reminds us. "Right, those guys have to be alive. Because at the end of the hallway the retinal scanner needs a match to open the doors. Pick a door" Hobbs explains and I nod along. "That one" Deck points to the door behind us. "No, that's my door" Hobbs replies and I chuckle at him. "What's the matter with you?" Deck asks as he approaches the door. I follow behind him as he raises the infrared scanner to the door to reveal at least 6 agents in the hallway. "You know what? I made a mistake, this is your door" Deck says to Hobbs. "No, no backsies. What's the matter? You got a lot of bad guys behind that door?" Hobbs quickly replies. "Watch this Luke, you might learn something" I tell him with a smile. I look at Deck, "You ready?" I ask him with a grin. "Ready" he replies and pulls the door open.

All men look at us before charging towards us while letting out screams. I run forwards and slide under one man's legs and trip another man over. I stand to my feet and avoid a punch from a man before I kick him in the chest. Another man wraps his arms around my neck and shoulders and tries to pull me towards him. I see another man running towards me so I bring my legs up and kick off his chest and over the other man's head. I land on my feet before kicking one man into the other. I look at Hobbs through the glass window and he gives me a small clap. I look towards the door and retinal scanner a man is running towards us before pulling his gun out and pointing it straight at me. Before I can react, Deck has shoved me behind him and is holding a bullet proof vest in front of his face. He attacks the man with a gun while I attack one coming towards us from the right. He kicks me and I stumble backwards and into Deck. He quickly reacts and pulls me away from another kick. We both quickly take out the last few men before Deck grabs one and drags him to the retinal scanner.

He raises the man to the scanner, only to hear 'access denied' being stated through the system. He glances at me in shock and confusion and I only look back at him with the same expression. He drags each and every one of the other men to the retinal scanner. Hobbs and I stand against the wall and wait for the doors to be opened. We finally hear 'access granted' through the system and Deck sighs in relief. We all raise our guns before the doors open, only to reveal a swarm of Eteon agents with their guns already aimed at us with Brixton standing in the centre. "Very good. Well done guys" he says as Deck, Hobbs and I give each other confused glances without moving our guns. "I'm impressed that you even got in here" Brixton adds before we're all hit in the back with a strong force and I collapse to the floor as everything goes dark.

I wake up and lift my head to see Hobbs unconscious in front of me while tied to a chair, wrapped in chains and wires. I look at my own hands and see them tied to the chair with chains, just like the rest of my body. I look beside me to see Deck in the same position, but still unconscious. "Nice to see you again Rebecca" Brixton says and I look to my left to see him watching me. He walks to stand in front of me and leans forward so that his face is inches from my own. I keep a stoic expression as he stares at me. He raises his hand and starts to touch my cheek so I move my face away from his hand. He reaches back out but he stops the movement when he hears Deck protest. "Don't you dare lay a hand on her" Deck says as he raises his head to see Brixton's hand hovering over my cheek. "She's doesn't mind, do you Becca?" Brixton asks as he touches my cheek again. I spit in his face and he slowly stands while wiping his face. I look over at Deck and tell him I'm ok before he nods.

Hobbs slowly wakes up and looks around the room confused before landing on me and Deck, sitting opposite him. "There he is. Nice and rested? Get your full 8 hours? I was gonna order some room service, what do you fancy? French toast? I'll get the order in" Deck teases and I sit in silence. "I dreamt I killed you before I woke up. Pretty disappointed right now" Hobbs replies. "It's all a little elaborate, I must admit. Old school interrogation technique we picked up in black ops. Shock will kill a man in three. You remember that Deck?" Brixton explains as he gestures to the vehicles that are connected to the wires wrapped around us. "Ye, I remember a lot of things from back then" Deck states calmly. "I reckon you've only got four shocks in you guys" Brixton states. "Ye, well I think we can take five" Hobbs argues and I look at him in shock. What is he doing? "Five? Well alright" Brixton responds before pressing the button. I feel the electricity course through me and the agonising pain following with it. My entire body tenses at the pain and I grit my teeth until the pain finally subsides and I'm left with an aching, throbbing feeling throughout my body. We're all left breathing heavily as we all feel the same aching and throbbing. "You had to open your big mouth didn't ya?" Deck says to Hobbs. "I thought it was a cool thing to say in the moment" Hobbs admits. "What about now? Still think it was cool?" I ask in frustration as I look up at him.

Brixton proceeds to give us his speech about the good old days with Deck. "Remember when we were real brothers? Task force black. Do you remember that Deck? We ended up seeing the worst in people. Worst in our countries, our leaders, our enemies, our friends" he states, seeming more disappointed by 'friends'. "You don't know the meaning of that word anymore" Deck states. "But don't worry about it, neither does he" Hobbs interjects. "Luke" I warn him but he ignores me and continues. "He shoots them right in the head but in your case, I think it was a hell of a good idea" he adds confidently and I sigh in defeat. "Big man, you still talking?" Brixton asks as he looks at Hobbs unimpressed. "I said, I think it was a hell of a good-" Hobbs tries to finish but Brixton presses the button once again. The pain travels back through my body and I clench my jaw and groan in pain.

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