Chapter 6

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We arrive outside the parking garage to see Dom drive his car up and towards the helicopter before crashing into debris. We all rush forwards to help him out of his car and make sure he's ok. We get there to see Hobbs already dragging him out of his vehicle. Brian helps him and Letty rushes to Dom's side. Brian starts doing CPR on him and tells Letty what to do to help. We stand around them worried about Dom when Brian and Letty start to argue and Letty pushes Brian away. "Back up!" she yells at him. Brian steps back and we all watch Letty talk to Dom. "I remember everything. It came to me like a flood. And I remember that night in the Dominican Republic, the night we got married. If you die, I die. And I'm not ready to leave this place yet. This moment is still ours. I remember everything. I remember it all" she tells him and begs him not to leave. "It's about damn time" Dom replies and we all sigh in relief. "Why didn't you tell me we were married?" Letty asks him. "Because you can't tell someone they love you" Dom answers and I smile. However, I think of Deck. He was in the parking garage and I suddenly feel this rush of fear as I look at the now collapsed and demolished parking garage. While paramedics check on Dom, Brian comes over and sees my worried face before following my gaze to the demolished building. "I'm sorry Becca" he says and I look over at him. "It's ok" I answer with a smile.

While I talk to Brian for a little while I realise some paramedics pushing someone on a gurney to an ambulance and I watch them intently. Brian realises my distraction and watches as well, the paramedics turn the gurney around the corner, giving me a perfect view of who's on the gurney. Deck. I gasp and cover my mouth in shock as I feel my eyes fill with tears. He's alive. He may not have kept his promise but I still love him and I'm relieved he's ok. Brian wraps an arm around my shoulders and smiles at me. "Go" he tells me and I look at him confused. "What?" I ask in disbelief. "Go to the hospital. See if he's ok. You don't need to talk to him but I know you'll feel better if you know he's ok" he explains and I smile at him gratefully. "Thank you" I say and give him a quick hug. I run towards the ambulance as Hobbs gets in, most likely to ensure he doesn't get away. "Hobbs" I call and he looks over at me as I arrive at the ambulance doors. "Can I come?" I ask and he frowns at me. "Please" I add and he nods his head and I get in.

Hobbs obviously had questions so I explained that Deck was my first love and I still love him. He nods along, seemingly understanding that I'm worried. "I know it sounds crazy that I'm worried about the man who's been trying to kill me and my family but he was my first love. I don't think anyone forgets their first love" I explain and he nods. "I get it, and while I do think you're crazy, I also understand" he adds and I chuckle at him before looking at Deck. I hold his hand on the way to the hospital and when they take him away, I wait with Hobbs in the waiting room. Once Deck is put in a room, Hobbs stations officer outside the door and ensures Deck won't be able to leave. "Hobbs" I call as he walks away, towards Deck's room. "Don't tell him I'm here. I just wanna know that he's ok" I ask him and he nods before walking away.

I wait in the waiting room, not being able to get any information from the nurses from the doctor because I'm not Deck's family. So I decided to wait for Hobbs to come back so that I can ask him because he'll surely know. I see Hobbs enter the waiting room and rush towards him. "Rebecca, what are you still doing here?" he asks confused. "No one will tell me anything, is he ok?" I ask him pleadingly and he nods causing me to sigh in relief. "He's fine, I'll be taking him to the black site prison in a short while, we're just waiting for transport" he explains and I nod along. "He's actually asking for you and since you're already here worrying about him, why don't you go see him?" he suggests and I'm surprised to here that he wants to see me, especially after the things he's told me. "But I'm not family?" I question. "So? I can get you in there, if you want" he offers and I take a moment to think about it before nodding my head.

I enter the room after Hobbs nods to the door and I see Deck lying in the hospital bed, hooked up to some machines. I take a deep breath so I stay calm, I'm nervous as to why he wants to see me. Deck looks over at me and seems relieved. "Bex" he breathes and I feel my own breath get caught in my throat. I haven't heard that nickname in 13 years. I frown at him slightly and he seems to notice my confusion at the nickname. "I know I haven't called you that since we were 18 but I figured it was a good place to start" he explains as I stand still, a few feet from his bed, completely confused. "Start what?" I ask. "My apology" he admits and I remain silent to allow him to explain because I'm still very confused. "Everything I've said to you was a lie. I did care that you were involved. When I found out you were involved with the team who almost killed my brother, I didn't want to believe it. I shouldn't have told you I didn't care if you got hurt and that I didn't care about you anymore because it was all a lie. I've kept that promise we made when we were 18 and I don't ever plan on breaking it. Bex I'm so sorry" he apologises and hearing him admit that everything was a lie made me relax and my eyes fill with tears and I step towards him.

Once I reach his bed I grab his hand, "I've kept that promise too" I smile at him and he sighs in relief and I laugh at him. "I forgive you" I add and he smiles at me. "Thank you for trying to save Owen and for visiting him in the hospital" he says and I shake my head. "You don't need to thank me, like I said; Owen was my best friend" I reply and he squeezes my hand. "And by the way, I think you downplayed your visit to him in the hospital" he adds and I look at him confused. "When you told me you visited him in the hospital I hacked into the security system and found the footage" he explains and I imagine the footage of me crying at Owen's bedside, apologising profusely. "It wasn't your fault" he says and I smile as a tear runs down my cheek. He reaches up and wipes it away and I grab his hand before he moves it from my face and I hold it there. He cups my face and I lean into his hand. "I love you Bex" he says and I smile at him. "I love you too Dex" I reply and close my eyes, enjoying this moment because it'll be over soon and I'll probably never see him again. Hobbs then enters the room and says "Time to go" and I nod at him before looking back at Deck. He smiles at me and I smile back before cupping his face and crashing my lips to his. He kisses me back and we pull apart before stepping back to allow everyone to cuff him and escort him out. As he leaves the room I whisper "Goodbye Dex".

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