Chapter 12

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The beeping sound of the 6 o'clock alarm wakes me up and I groan as Deck leans towards his bedside table to turn it off while I continue to lay on his chest. He kisses my forehead before saying "Good morning" and I smile and repeat the words back to him. "I'll make breakfast" he says before rolling over so that my back lies on the bed. He kisses my lips while my eyes remain shut and climbs out of bed.

A few minutes later, I get myself out of bed and walk into the kitchen to see Deck plating the breakfast. I sit at the counter as he places the plate in front of me and sits beside me with his own plate. We sit in silence as we enjoy the delicious breakfast. Once we finish, we get ourselves dressed, Deck in a suit and me in black jeans and a white blouse. We get in Deck's car before driving into town and while we sit at a table outside Deck's phone starts to ring. I watch him listen intently before he glances at me and says "Where?". We clearly have a task to complete for someone so we head home to collect details and get ready.

I wear a black dress and curl my hair before putting my heels on in the living room while I wait for Deck. I hear him enter the room and look up to see him in a black suit and I can't help myself but grin. "Hey handsome" I say as I walk towards him, without losing the grin on my face. "Hey gorgeous" he replies with a grin as he wraps his arms around my waist and I rest mine on his shoulders. He pecks my lips before stepping back and offering me his arm which I gladly take before we walk out the door, to his car.

We pull up outside the party and Deck walks around to open my door and offer his hand. I take his hand and step out of the car with a smile as I look at the party ensuing inside the building. "This is gonna be fun" I mutter while Deck closes the car door. I hear him chuckle before resting his hand on my lower back to guide me inside. We walk through the party side by side and Deck grabs a champagne bottle from a waitress' tray. We continue to the back until we find our target sitting on a sofa with his bodyguards surrounding him. "Who the hell are you?" he asks us as we stop in front of his bodyguards as they stand in front of us. "We're what you might call a champagne problem" Deck replies and I smile at the bodyguard staring at me. The bodyguards charge at us but we're much faster at avoiding them and hitting them. I duck a punch from one and punch him in the gut before kicking another coming towards my right while Deck uses the champagne bottle to hit other bodyguards. One guard grabs me from behind so I elbow him in the face and he falls to the ground as Deck hits the last guard in the face with the champagne bottle.

We look up at our target, who looks petrified. "I would've thought that would've broke" Deck states before dropping the bottle and it smashes at his feet. We walk towards our target and I grab a rope from a clothes rack and swing it forwards and hit our target in the crotch. He doubles forward in pain and I take the opportunity to wrap the rope around his neck before kicking him out of the window. He gets his footing on the windowsill and I make him lean backwards, threatening to drop him out of the window. "A little bird told us about a shadow outfit. Black tech, black ops. Real assholes, like you. They're called Eteon and you're gonna tell us where to find them" Deck tells the man. "You're not gonna tell us because I'm hanging you out of a window. You're gonna tell us because I'm the one willing to drop you" I threaten as I let the rope slip a little and scare the man. Deck filled me in on Eteon a few weeks ago and I was instantly on board to help him. We just need the right information. I tie the rope to the curtain railing and leave our target hanging out of the window after he gave us the information we needed. "No, don't leave me here" he pleads as Deck and I walk away with my arm linked with his.

The following day, Deck and I are visiting his mother in prison. We sit waiting and I smile at Deck, I haven't seen Queenie in years and I'm very excited to see her again. She enters the visiting area in her red jumpsuit, accessorised with a black belt and a set of handcuffs. Queenie looks at me shocked and I smile while Deck complains about the restraints. "Sir, the prisoner will only be allowed more leniency when she proves to be less of a security risk" the prison guard tells Deck sternly while Queenie sits opposite us and picks up the phone. Deck picks up ours and holds it between us. "If someone leaves the backdoor open, it's a bit daft not to use it" Queenie states and I can't help but smile at her. I've missed her. "What's daft is paying one of the screws to leave it open, but not paying them enough to keep their mouth shut" Deck replies with a grin. "Ye, well my point still stands" Queenie responds. "If you can't break out of a shitty prison like this then you're seriously slipping mum" Deck states and Queenie looks shocked and offended by his statement, claiming he's a "cheeky bastard", which makes me laugh.

Queenie then turns to look at me and smiles. "Becca, it's been a long time" she says and I smile at her. "Yes it has" I reply with a chuckle. "How are you here? What is this?" she questions and looks back and forth me and Deck. "Uh, that's a long story" Deck responds, remembering when we first saw each other after 13 years, was when he was trying to kill me and my family. "We reconnected, and now we're together again" I summarise and smile at Deck, to see him return the smile. "That's wonderful. He was so miserable when you left" Queenie replies with a smile and I chuckle at her statement while Deck groans and rolls his eyes. "I was miserable too" I respond and place my hand on Deck's arm, to comfort him a little. "Well, I'm glad you two have reconnected. You two are meant to be" Queenie concludes with a grateful smile and I reply with a "thank you" before Deck kisses my cheek.

"So, where's my birthday cake?" Queenie asks expectedly. "What? The one with the file in it? I ain't baking it" Deck replies in a funny voice and I contain my laugh. "Who wants a bloody file? All I want is a little bit of C4" Queenie replies and I lean into the phone to reply. "If you want out of here, just say the words. We'll handle it" I tell her seriously. "Ohh, I'm just having a bit of fun really. Being banged up doesn't bother me. I quite enjoy the peace and quiet, nice walk, bit of reading, loads of sudoku. It's like being retired" she explains with a laugh and I can tell she really does enjoy the peace.

"Now, Dex. Have you spoken to your sister?" she asks with raised eyebrows and eyes full of hope. "You know I haven't mum" Deck admits, slightly ashamed. I know he left to keep her safe and that she probably hates him for 'betraying' MI6. "Give me your hand" she tells him, reaching her hand through the gap in the glass window. "Here we go" Deck responds as he locks hands with her. "I mean you and your sister used to be inseparable. What happened Dex? What happened between you two? I remember you, Owen and Hattie playing out in the backyard. Playing games, your little grifts, robbing banks. You used to give your little scams code names, do you remember? What was that one called?" Queenie says to Deck before asking with a smile. I smile at the story, I heard about these grifts when I was dating Deck and they always made me smile. "The Keith Moon" Deck responds and Queenie and I chuckle at him. "Yeah, that's right. It was called the Keith Moon because-" Queenie laughs before Deck answers. "It involved lots of percussion and permanent ear damage" he answers, causing me and Queenie to laugh at him. "No wonder we left the family business" Deck comments. "She loves you ya know? All you've got to do is pick up the phone" she tells him and he looks away from her. "Dex, look at me. You're her big brother, she looks up to you" she tells him, with pleading eyes. "Used to" Deck states and I sigh when Queenie looks away sadly. "Well, one day I hope that I walk through that door and I see the three of you sitting there" she says and looks at us both and I give her a hopeful smile. "How many years you got left?" Deck asks. "2, with good behaviour" she replies. "So, how many really?" he asks knowingly and Queenie replies "4" with a grin. "Well, you know what they say; never say never" Deck states with a cheerful smile.

The guard tells us that our time is up and we all say goodbye before Queenie stands with her handcuffs released from her wrists and legs with a grin. I look over at Deck when he doesn't move to leave and I see him looking down sadly. I rest my hand on his shoulder and he's pulled from his thoughts and looks back at me, without changing his expression. "You ok?" I ask without taking my eyes away from his. "Ye, I'm fine" he replies and forces a smile. "Are you sure?" I question as he starts to stand. "Ye, let's go" he insists with a smile and takes my hand. I decide to leave the topic alone and approach it later on, I know that him and Hattie used to be so close so I'll give him space.

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