Chapter 21

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Hattie and I stay as hidden as we can but unfortunately a group of Eteon agents find us. I quickly stand in front of Hattie while she grabs a tool from a table. I take on two of the agents at once while another two run past me and to Hattie. I hear Hattie fighting them off while I defend myself, I kick one in the chest and he falls into a table. I quickly elbow the other agent in the face and he stumbles, holding his probably broken nose. I turn to see Hattie struggling in the men's grips so I start running towards her but one of the agents I dealt with kicks my in the stomach. I'm sent to the floor in pain, he quickly tries to stomp on my face so I roll out of the way. Before I can do anything else to defend myself the agent is hit in the head and falls to the floor. I look up to see Deck holding a hammer, "Deck" Hattie cries before hitting one agent in the face. Deck pulls me to my feet and he helps Hattie while I deal with the other agent.

Eventually all agents are on the floor and we rush to check that the extraction machine is still working. "It's in, it's in. Is it working?" Hattie asks frantically. Deck and I look to see the countdown continuing. "It's working" Deck says and we all sigh in relief. "We're good" Hattie states with a relieved smile. "We're good" I repeat with a smile. We all stand before seeing an Eteon truck driving straight towards us. We all look at each other before Deck pulls me towards him and runs to the right while Hattie runs to the left. We land on the ground as the truck explodes on impact and my ears start ringing. "You ok?" Deck asks as he rests a hand on my back. I give my head a shake to try and stop the ringing before answering "Yeah", even though the ringing hasn't stopped. He stands and helps me up before we scan the battlefield for Hattie. "There" I state, pointing at Hattie being dragged into a helicopter by Brixton and a group of men. "Hobbs!" Deck calls and Hobbs looks at us. We gesture to Hattie and he looks at us and nods. We rush to the truck and Deck gets in the drivers seat while I get in the passenger seat.

After stopping for Hobbs to jump on the back, we start following the chopper. "Let's go fishing Shaw" Hobbs shouts. "You catch him, I'll gut him" Deck shouts in response. We drive under the chopper and Hobbs throws the chain up and it hooks around a part of the chopper, causing us to pull the chopper along with us. However, as we're driving the back wheels of the truck are lifted off the floor. "Woah" I mutter as I put my hands against the dash. "What are you doing?" Deck asks Hobbs. "We're going for a ride" he responds. A group of Hobbs' brothers all drive ahead of us and attach their vehicles to each other, creating a long chain of vehicles. This makes it harder for Brixton to lift us off the ground because there's too much weight for the chopper to carry. Instead Brixton pulls us over a cliff, the front vehicle being the only one still on the ground. "Hit them with the moonshine, now!" Hobbs yells to his brothers and they all activate their moonshine in turn, until the four wheels of our truck are on the ground and I sigh in relief. "Hang me off a cliff huh? My turn" Deck mutters before activating our own moonshine. With all vehicles using the moonshine, we're now dragging the chopper behind us.

Eteon's weapons are back online after Hattie's 6 minute block expires and the chopper fires missiles at us. An explosion causes all vehicles to separate until we're on our own again. "We've got a little trouble back here Shaw" Hobbs says and I lean out the window to see Eteon's agents firing at us from their vehicles. "We'll lose them in no man's land" Deck tells Hobbs. Many of the tanks we prepared start shooting out of the ground and hit the belly of the chopper. The tanks also cause many Eteon vehicles to explode and topple over. "Alright, now hit that stake" Hobbs tells Deck and he swerves and catches the stake with our back wheel. The claw of a digger swings out from the trees and catches the front of an Eteon vehicle, causing a crash between the others.

I suddenly hear Hobbs yelling in pain and I look behind while Deck checks the rear view mirror and we see Hobbs holding onto the chain in one hand and the truck in the other. "Oh my god" I mutter before Deck says "I got you Hobbs" and steps on the breaks, allowing Hobbs to hook the chain back onto the truck. The chopper starts to smoke and lose control before the engine cuts out and it falls down the cliff, pulling us down with it.

Water starts pouring in through the windows of the trucks. I look over at Deck before he looks at me, we nod at each other before taking in a breath of air. I pull myself out of the passenger window and start swimming to the surface. I reach the surface and let out a breath as I tread water when Deck appears beside me. We swim to the gravel where Hobbs has just reached. "Are you ok?" Deck asks when I lie on the gravel. "I'm ok" I assure him with a nod. He starts calling Hattie as we all look at the demolished chopper. "This doesn't end your way guys" Brixton interrupts Deck's calling. "Yeah, you keep telling yourself that" Deck replies. "The numbers don't add up for you" Brixton explains confidently before jumping down from the chopper.

We all climb to our feet as Brixton stands before us. "You know, I feel sorry for you. 'Cause it's not just metal they filled your head with" Deck tells Brixton. "It's bullshit" Hobbs comments. "I was beginning to like you guys, you know that?" Brixton chuckles. "Oh well" he adds before running towards us. We all run at him as well and clench our fists, ready to attack. He easily avoids all our punches and attacks instead, sending us all to the ground. As I stand I see Brixton picking up a tank and raising it to hit Deck whose still climbing to his feet. I quickly run towards Deck and take the hit, we're both sent across the ground and I feel the throbbing pain of the hit against my arm and ribs. "Ow" I groan as I roll off Deck. "Are you ok?" he asks me and I nod and offer my hand. He takes it and pulls me to my feet before we get back to stopping Brixton.

After we all attempt to attack Brixton and end up in pain on the floor Brixton starts revelling in our failures. "What's the problem? Does it hurt? Must be hard being so... human" he says as he we stand up straight. He runs towards us once again and we all prepare to attack him, helplessly. Brixton kicks me into a rock and while I recover Deck tries to attack Brixton. But while Deck takes the hit, Hobbs hits Brixton with a broken chopper window. Brixton falls to the floor, writhing in pain while Deck and Hobbs stand beside me. "Did you see that?" Hobbs asks us. "Yeah" I answer. "If we work together we can hurt him" Deck adds. "You're right, it's time to work as a team" Hobbs explains with a nod. "Three of us and one of him" I state. "I'll take a punch and let you lay him one" Hobbs says. "We'll do the same" Deck says when I give him a nod. "I got your back brother" he adds and I smile at him. "And I got yours" Hobbs replies. "Get a room" I moan with a teasing smile and Deck rolls his eyes at me while Hobbs chuckles. "Let's go unplug this somebitch" Hobbs says with a determined glare at Brixton.

We each take in turns to take a hit and attack Brixton until he's writhing and screaming in pain as his system can't comprehend anything around him. The three of us watch as Brixton scrambles to his feet when Hattie appears beside us. We all look at her expectantly until she raises a vial. "I got it" she states with a smile. "You did it Hat" Deck says proudly. "Never had a doubt" I add with a smile. "Let's get it into safe hands" Hobbs states. Deck raises an activated gun to Brixton. "You set me up as a traitor, turned my own sister against me, forced me to kill my own brother. You" he says and I hear the emotion in his voice. "Here we are again, come one!" Brixton yells back at him. "Shaw, compared to the cause, one life doesn't mean anything" he adds. "I don't know what happened to you Brixton, but you made me kill you once, I ain't doing it again" Deck replies and drops the gun to the floor.

"Brother, you may believe in machines but we believe in people. You may have all the technology in the world, we have heart. No machine will ever beat that" Hobbs says proudly. "So that's how it is" Brixton states. "It's been a hell of a business guys" he adds before he collapses over the cliff.

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