Chapter 1: A new start?

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Y/N's P.O.V

"Okay Y/N, you need to pull yourself together. This is your first year of college. Are you gonna hold onto the past and cry for someone who doesn't care about you anymore? Hell no. Get yourself together. YOU NEED TO DO BETTEEERRRR!" I encourage myself as I started getting ready for my first day of college.

I rarely ever ate breakfast because I was always late for school, but since this is the first day, I decided to not skip it.

"I'll call my parents later at night to tell them everything." I whispered to my self excitedly.

I walked from my rented apartment where I lived alone towards school. It was a walkable distance. Since it was new year, new place, I didn't have any friends.

But I don't really have a problem making new friends because I'm really chirpy.

Though I lost my extrovert-ness after my break up, I decided to bring out the old Y/N, because who wants to dwell in the past, huh?

I reached the school and went to the lecture room we were allotted.

Being told to go to the big hall in the school for our Orientation, while walking towards the place, I bumped into someone and fell down.

"Ouch! I'm sorry. Are you okay??" I winced in pain and asked the person I bummped.

"Oh, I'm alright. I'm sorry! I wasn't looking." A beautiful yet handsome girl, with black hair, pretty sure around my age, apologized and extended her hand for me to hold on to get back on my feet.

I accepted it and got up. "It's alright, I'm Y/N, by the way. Nice to meet you!" I said trying to not be too awkward.

"I'm Shin Ryujin. Nice to meet you too! I'm sorry to ask, but can I tag along? I was waiting for my friend, but she hasn't showed up yet." She pleaded.

Not gonna lie she was too cute for me to reject

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Not gonna lie she was too cute for me to reject.

"Oh, that's alright. I'd actually love to. I am completely alone here so I don't think I'd want to miss this opportunity!" We both giggled at what I said.

We went and sat next to each other on the chairs. Just then she appeared.
Kim Minjeong. Yeah, that girl.

I gasped for a moment, hyperventilating, telling myself to calm down. It might not be Winter. Calm down.

But boy I was wrong. It was actually her. She looked stunning as ever. She beautifully smiled waving to someone beside me. Wait. SOMEONE BESIDE ME??????? Don't tell me-

"Oh, she's here! Y/N meet Winter. Winter, this is Y/N. I just met her and we've become quite good friends!" Ryujin said excitedly.

In contrast to her excitement, I was dying

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In contrast to her excitement, I was dying. I missed Winter. A lot. I never wanted to see her again because I knew my feelings would come back.

But there she is, she's here. She's going to study in the same college as I am. I'm dying.

I awkwardly wave to her and smiled. "Oh, hi Y/N. Nice to meet you." She said with a cold face, as if she knew me but didn't know me at the same time. I decided to play along. Didn't want things to get awkward.

It was a short conversation, but it felt like forever. I couldn't stop my heart from racing.

Winter sat beside Ryujin. I had mixed feelings. Jealousy? Awkwardness? Relief? Mad? I don't know. All I knew was that I wanted her to sit beside me, but that was too much to ask for.

I'm still very hurt and broken which made my mind tell me 'Do not sit beside her' and I gave in to it.

A few moments of silence passed with Ryujin looking extremely confused at what the announcers words meant. The orientation continued painfully.

They were making us play some games for us to get to know our batch mates better. Oh how much I wanted to leave this place. Even though I dreaded the whole idea of this and wanted to run as soon as possible, but all I could focus on was Winter.

She just stood there listening to the announcements, not even sparing me one glance. That hurt. A lot. But I couldn't complain.

"Please form groups of four. We're going to let you guys introduce yourselves to your group. Remember to get along. You might even become friends for life!" Well that was just stupid I thought as I scoffed to myself.

I looked at Winter, and she was looking straight into my eyes. It was too intense. There was something in her piercing gaze that screamed some emotion, but I couldn't put my mind on it.

It just scared me but I was also happy to see her once again. I started looking for a group. Until Ryujin called me.

"HEY Y/N! JOIN US! It's gonna be fun!!" Ryujin shouted out loud.

"B-but I-" I got cut off my Winter.

"Yeah, sure. It'll be fun." She said and smirked.

This doesn't sounds right. Mommy I'm scared.


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