Chapter 7: A new friend

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Third person P.O.V

She didn't come.

“If you weren't going to come, you could have texted me.” Y/N complained while blankly staring at the table.

She decided to send her a text to confirm. I should have texted her before. I'm such an idiot.


Y/N: Hey, are you coming?

Don't pick up: Sorry, I can't make it today. I got some work.

Y/N: Next time let me know beforehand. I don't want to keep waiting for hours. Thanks : )

She texted and waited for a reply but....

Did she just seenzoned me? Her heart felt heavy and she felt the anger build inside her.

“I guess I'll just have a coffee before I go home.” She sighed heavily. With this, she walked up to the counter to make an order.

“Hello! What shall I get you today?” A cheerful familiar voice caught her attention.

“Oh! It’s you!” Y/N exclaimed in surprise.

“Oh woah Hi! Fancy seeing you here.” She giggled. “So, what can I get for you?”

“I'll have an ice coffee, thank you.”

“One ice coffee coming right up!”

A few moments later the familiar girl brought her coffee. She received it with a smile and went down to sit on her chair earlier.

The girl could see her sat down and sip on her coffee. She smiled at her as if she were a little puppy.

Hours passed. Y/N just sat there looking outside the windows. It was tiring at the apartment because she lived alone and she also needed some fresh air after all this 'overthinking' that she had done.

“Hey, You're still here?” The girl who gave her coffee asked walking up to her while taking off her uniform apron. She had just finished working.

“Ah! Yeah.... I think I'll be leaving now, though.” She nervously smiled at her.

“Oh, I just got off my shift. I'll walk you home. It's already 8:30, pretty late.”

Y/N reluctantly agreed. I guess it'll be better to not walk alone at this hour.

The two started walking towards
Y/N’s apartment.

“I'm sorry I didn't catch your name earlier.” She asked face palming herself.

“Earlier? I don't think I've introduced myself properly at all. My bad!”


Y/N started screaming in her mind while mentaining her composure on the outside.

“I'm Ahn Yujin. I am in third year same course as you.” She introduced while waving her hand.

” She introduced while waving her hand

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