Chapter 6: Ghost

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Y/N's P.O.V

The next morning came. All I could think was what Winter was up to. Why did she ignore me like that suddenly?

A week went by with Winter just ignoring me. I couldn't ask for her attention either....that would be wrong.

She hurt me in the past. Even though I understand her point..... It wasn't enough to pacify the emotions I felt.

Ryujin comforted me by keeping me engaged with different things. She texted me to get my mind off things because she sensed something was wrong between us.

“I'm not going to ask you to tell me what happened. Just tell me when you are ready.” Ryujin comforted me understanding my situation.

I'm glad I have a friend like her.

Winter and Somi grew closer. Somi even approached to ask me what she could do on a frist date. It was evident she was going to ask her out.

“I've never been on dates, so I don’t know.” I remember lying to her.

I didn't want things to get awkward between the four of us, I didn't want to be the one to damage things and have people leave me again.

Ryujin with her sunshine attitude cracked lame dad jokes and I couldn't help but laugh. A true masterpiece. We were having our jolly good time until someone interfered.

“Hmmm hey! Can you give this thing to that Tall senior of your department? We have different things so I can’t give this to her myself.” A girl, who looked like a 2nd year student, suddenly hopped right in front of me.

“Oh I THINK I KNOW WHO YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT.” Ryujin confirmed the senior’s identity. I took the envelop from the girl’s hand and smiled implying we’d help her with it.

Ryujin and I left and walked through the corridors only to find the senior standing near the cafeteria. We went up to her.

“Hey, someone asked us to deliver this to you. They said they can’t meet you because of the different timings.”

The tall, with kinda boyish style senior took the envelop and smiled thanking us. “Thank you so much! Would you like me to buy you guys something for helping me?” She offered politely.

“Oh, no no, It's okay.” I said embarrassed.

“We'll take our leave now. Take care, bye!” Ryujin and I waved to her and walked towards the gate to go home.

-2 weeks later-

I'm in pain. No message from her. She doesn't even talk to me. Was I at fault? Did I do something? Of course I must have done something. I've been nothing but rude to her.

The class was about to start. Mr. Prof was going to give us a pair assignment.

I sat down on a bench and sunk down sighing. A soft noise caught my attention and I saw Winter sitting beside me.

“Why are you sitting with me?” I looked at her directly.

Her eyes looked tired as if she hadn't slept properly for a week. She looked as if she were in pain.

“Just let me be.” She said in her deep voice looking away from me.

I couldn'y understand why she was being this way.

First you say you don't like me anymore, then you show up and act like you want me back, and then you proceed to ignore me like this, plus this new thing. What are you doing, KIM MINJEONG. don't play with my feelings.’ I thought to myself, still looking st Winter as if I'm telling this all to her.

Someone covered her eyes suddenly. I shot my head up to see the person.

“GUESS WHO?” Ryujin played around while whispering something to me which literally no one could hear.

I read her lips. “Are you okay?”

I nodded my head which brought her concerned face back to her normal smiley one. Adorable.

Our Prof joined us not too late and told everyone to take their seats.

Winter looked at Ryujin and playfully hit her head. “You idiot.” Ryujin ran back to her seat beside some other person.

“So I'm going to assign you a pair task that you're supposed to do with the person you're sitting with right now. I want you to write the imageries of these 20 poems that I'm writing on the board and submit within a week. I'll give you guys some time to discuss.” Our Prof announced.

Oh no. I have to work with Winter. No no no. Ugh!! Why do I have to put up with this?

Winter just looked at me and smirked “Are you uncomfortable?”

“Very.” I snapped without hesitating.

“Too bad you're stuck with me.”

‘What happened to this girl... She was never like this before. Why does she seem obnoxious?’

“Shut the fuck up. Okay. We'll meet at Tea Café a few minutes down the road at.... 5? Cool. Okay. Don't be late.”

I said without letting her have a word. Was I being rude? Yeah I was. I was sad.

“Wokay, M'lady.” She rolled her eyes sarcastically and scoffed.

The day ended and I jumped around happily realising we had only two lectures so I had plenty time to rest at home and eat before heading out.

-4:30 in the evening-

I heard my alarm ringing. Okay, it's time. I should go get ready.

After I finish changing I looked at the time

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After I finish changing I looked at the time.

“Shoot, it's already 4:50!” I picked up my stuff and ran out as fast as I could.

-At the café-

I arrived at Tea Café at 5:05.

“Shit, I'm five minutes late. Where is this girl.” I said as I looked around trying to find her.

She's not here yet.

I decided to sit down at a table and wait for her.

She said she'd come right? I never gave her a chance to say anything. But she'll come, right?

I started feeling restless. Was I going to get stood up?

She did say yes to meet me at 5. Am I overreacting?

Maybe she'll be here soon. I should just wait.





She didn't come.


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