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I walk to school, and to my joy its snowing again. Eli got a ride from his creepy friend who's seventeen, I'm very suspicious about them...Anyway, last night my friends (That's what I call my 'dream people' even though they're far from friendly) told me I should watch out for any people I see today. They can see the future I think. I'm not really to sure though and I don't like to think about it to much. It freaks me out.

      I get to school and walk though the rushing crowed of smelly teenagers. Or purfumy or...whatever you get the point. I go to my first period class and to no surprise I'm the first one there.

"Hey Mr. Polir..." I mumble and sit at my desk. After awhile more students start rushing in last minute. The bell rings then the announcements start. After they end, the principle comes on and in a serious tone says "Ahem, Who ever is George Valance's first period teacher, please come and pick him up from the office. Thank you. Go Koalas!"

"That's the new student we were suppose to get today." The teacher announces. "He probably just got lost or something uhhh... Axel! Why don't you go get him for me?"

"Alright..." I say and get up. Mr. Polir hands me a hall pass and I head out the door.


"It seriously was NOT fair! I mean the guy totally deserved it!"  The new kid tries to explain to me, not knowing that I really don't care. Just don't look at him. Don't make eye contact.

After he explained his story about how a guy got his shoes wet and he beat him up, both of us finally managed to get back to the classroom in one piece. I sat down and he sat down next to me.

"Ah, Axel your back. Welcome to our class, George." Out of the corner of my eye I saw George nod his head, obviously trying to impress the girls with a 'cool kid' act.

While Mr. Polir was explaining what we were learning to him, I took the opportunity to study him. 

Curly strawberry blonde hair... Dark green emerald eyes... Damn, he was cute. I immediately corrected myself. WHAT ARE YOU THINKING, AXEL?! NO. NO. NO. NO! YOU ARE STRAIGHT!!

I have never been more wrong in my life.

The Idiots In My Mind (boyxboy) *UNCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now