9. Pretending

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I pulled this chapter out of my ass so it's short but whatevs 🙄🖐

{Sals Pov}

When Travis hung up I was just left to sit and wait.

I wonder who called him?

I shouldn't even be worrying about that right now. Why would I even call him? That was such a stupid idea.. but I kind of enjoyed it.Even though it was awkward small talk. It's almost as if I wasn't even talking to Travis. Atleast that's what I'm telling myself. The guy on the other side of the phone is not Travis Phelps. He is not a bad person.
If I say it enough it will become true.

Maybe it would become true that this man was a completely different person. After all, I really don't know if I would like him as 'Travis'. I like him better as someone I haven't met until now.. so I'll lie.

I put my phone down and got comfortable on my bed. I didn't have my prosthetic on because I took it off as soon as my class was over. I closed my eyes. I was tired but not tired enough to fall asleep.

So I will just sit here until I get tired enough or something else happens.

{Travis POV}

I answered the phone.

"Hello." I said, nervously. I felt as if I was going to throwup. I was shaking badly. Why did I answer.

"Hello Travis." He said. His voice bothered me. It brought back memories that I would have rather forgotten.

"Is there something you need?" I asked. Why the fuck was he calling me and what did he want.

"I just wanted to apologize.." he said.

I gripped my phone tightly. The audacity he must have to call me and try to apologize. Does he really think I would just accept it that easily?

I just hung up. No further words.

My heartbeat quickened aswell as my breath. I had to keep calm for now.

Nobody is supposed to know. Nobody will ever know.

My father doesn't exist. I never went through any abuse. I never hurt people.

{Sals Pov}

I drowsily opened my eyes. I'm guessing that I had fallen asleep at some point. From my window I could tell that it was dark out. I must have slept for hours. But I was still so tired. The gigantic weight against my body only seemed to get heavier as I tried to get up. So I just relaxed.

I shut my eyes once again.

Unaware of the time. It's not like I wanted to know anyways. I just wanted to stay asleep forever.

I wanted to forget all of my worries.

I wanted to forget everything and just sleep.

I ignored the ringing of my phone.

I ignored the constant notifications.

None of that mattered at the moment.

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