Chapter 29; becoming friends?

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A l a n ' s P . O . V . -

Honestly, I don't know what to do with everything right now. Delilah has been a huge impact on my life and right now, I've ruined the chemistry we had before. She told me I made her happy after what had happened with her and Kellin and I wanted to be there for her. Wanted to be her hero. Im the villain here. Am I still? I just want things to go back to the way it was before. All happy and fun.
"Do I tell her about my dream?"
K e l l i n ' s P . O . V . -

I haven't spoke to Delilah in a while now. I wonder if she's alright. I know things have happened to her, but I didn't really have the damn to check on her. I could care less about her at this very moment. Right? I mean, she's with Alan, probably.

The dream I had last night was terrifying. I was about to kill Lilly, right there. She looked.. scared. Scared of what? Of me? Even I was scared of myself. I would never kill anyone. I mean, only if I have to, you never know. But Lilly? Never in my life. She kept saying sorry.. and it wasn't her fault.. I saw Alan there.. my eyes couldn't take it. My heart couldn't take it..
"Should I tell her about it?"
D e l i l a h ' s P . O . V . -

I don't know what to do. So far, Warped Tour is not so great, at least, not for me. Others are having the time of their lives. I wish I was, too.

That dream seemed so..real. I don't know if I would constantly have these kinds of dreams. I really don't want them to ever come back again. I wonder what could of happened if Kellin did really.. kill me? Would he really do that to me? Even if he hated me? No..right? I wonder if they had the same dream as I did. Kind of hope they did. I wonder how they would've felt. I sure hope felt useless, still do.
Just.. ugh. I don't know. I really need to get it out of me.

I head out the door and plan what I'm going to say to these two. Especially Kellin since I haven't spoke to him in a while.

Here goes nothing..


"Hey. I'm, uh, here." I looked up and saw Kellin. Wow, I didn't know it would've hurt this much seeing him. Especially talking about my dream.

"Hey.. I- uh. Can .. can you sit down?" I asked. We were in the OM&M bus with Alan and he was here, too, on his bunk. I sat on one of the couches.

"Sure." he said and sat on the couch in front of me.

"So, since you're all here, I want to talk about a dream I had. It involved you two." I looked at my hands. "And right now, I'm terrified to even talk about it since it was.." I took in a deep breath. "Horrible things that happened. Um." I sighed.

"I think I know what dream you're talking about." Alan finally spoke.

"Is it about me almost killing you?" I looked at Kellin in shock.

"And me almost raping you?" I looked at Alan the same expression I looked at Kellin. So, they did have the same dream? It felt so real.

"You guys.. had it, too?" I asked, still in shock this is happening.

"Yeah. And all I really want to say is that I'm sorry. I would really never do that to you. Never touch you like that." Alan said.
"Same here. I would never even dare hold up a knife to your neck. Never in a million years. I care about you too much to do that." I lightly smiled at the guys.
"Thank you. And what I really want to say is..something I would hope for to happen." I smiled in hope. "Can we.. you know, all of us.. start over? Becoming friends?"


Dun dun duuuuuuun! Hey! Long time, amiright? Well this book has come to an end, finally. It's been a year since I had this book. It's about time I think I should finish since I literally have almost no interest in continuing /: I have one more chapter to publish and it's over! Completed! Fin!

I might just do a really short sequel to this. probably like 5-7 chapters idek. I'll think about it. but I'll do that when I'm done with other books I've written so probably in 28848383 years xD but thank you for sticking to this story if you have. means a lot. <3

See you in the last chapter (-:

- Jessica xx.

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