Chapter 24; everything went black

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D e l i l a h ' s P . O . V . -

"What!? Are you fucking joking? Oh my god!" I stood up. "Now that's something she would do. She wants Kellin. And its your fault!"

"My fault?!" Alan yelled.

"Yes! You brought her here! Not to mention you went with her plan!" I pulled my hair.

"Oh shut the fuck up Delilah! Don't make me look like the bad guy because I'm not!" He yelled at me.

"I'm not going to shut the fuck up because you know it's true! And you are the fucking bad guy! If only I hadn't dated you, this wouldn't happen. You wouldn't even flirt with me, you wouldn't ruin my life with Kellin. And you wouldn't be dating Cloe and bring her here!" I yelled back.

"How would you know I wouldn't be dating Cloe? I could've dated her if you weren't in my life." Alan made a fist.

"Because you knew Cloe was my enemy. And you wanted to get back at me. Didn't you Alan Ashby? You still do you freaking asshole! You ruined my life! I hate you! You make my life hell, along. With the others that make me feel like shit! I Fucking-" I was cut off by Alan's hand touching my cheek.

I looked at him, scarred and furious.

"Lilly, I'm so so-" I slapped him back.

"Leave! Leave me fucking alone you fucking dick! Go away! Why can't you just fucking go away you fucking asshole!" I kept punching him until he was out of the bus. But I couldn't stop. We were already outside the bus and I still kept hitting him.

"Delilah, stop!" Alan yelled.

"Piece of shit! I fucking hate you! Why can't you just leave me alone! All you want to do is torture me! Did that fucking slap you gave me make you feel better? Huh?! Asshole!" I was being pulled off him, but I couldn't see who because of my tears that were falling down my red cheek. The burning makes me want to attack him more. I struggled out of the grip, but it's strong.

"Let me go! Stop!"

"Delilah, stop!" It was Sam who was coming towards me. I kept kicking in the air.

"Let me go, I told you!" I yelled.

"No! You have to calm down, Delilah!" It was Austin.

"No! Stop! Please, I-" I stopped. I couldn't hold my feet on the ground. My arms felt all wobbly, my heads spinning, my ears ringing. I felt my body hit the ground.

"Delilah!" I heared in the distance.

"Oh my god, Lilly!"

"Lilly, wake up!"

Everything turned black.

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