Chapter O7; Goodnight. I Love You

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I sniffed and wiped my tears. "I can't sleep Sam. I want to sleep!" I punched my pillow.

"Calm down Delilah," she rubbed my back while I continued crying.

"I can't!" I screamed out. "I want to see him so bad."

"I know you do. Just give it some time." she says.

"What if I don't have time?" I looked at her with blurry eyes. "what if I'm not here."

"Hey, come on now. Don't say that."

It stood silent for a long time.

"I wish this never happened, Sam." My voice cracked. "I wish I could turn back time and fixed the mistakes I've done. Especially meeting Kellin." I swallowed. My month is dry from all the crying.

Sam didn't reply. She sighed and said, "I know, Lilly. I know." she patted my leg.

"You better get some sleep now. Tomorrow is a big day." I simply nodded.

"Night," she grinned.

"Night." she closed the door.

I sigh. "Goodnight my prince." I closed my eyes and pictures him saying..

{{Kellin is actually saying this}}

"Goodnight my princess."


"I Love You."

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