Chapter l2; Movies

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Kellins P.O.V-

I woke up, screaming. Jesse ran in the room. "Dude, what the fuck? Are you okay?" he sat next to me.

"I had the shittiest nightmare." I run my fingers through my hair.

"What about?" Jesse asked.

"That I killed Delilah," I felt like crying. He just stared at me.

"Say what now?" he raised an eyebrow.

"I know! it's sounds so crazy. Or maybe I am crazy?" I said. "I am Insane."

"You're not insane, Kell. It was just a bad dream. You do-" Jesse got interrupted by Gabe.

"Hey, um, Kellin?" he said.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"You busy?" he asked.

"Does it look like I am? No, I'm not busy," I chuckled.

"Well, you got company." he said and opened the door.

"Go ahead," I heard him say.

Delilah soon to appear. My grin faded a little.

"Hello," she smiled. I smiled back at her.

"Well, i'll be outside if you guys need..anything." Jesse say and walked out. He shut the door. It stood silent between us.

"So?" I said. "Your here because?" I questioned her.

"Kellin, I'm sorry." she said.

"For what?" I chuckled in confusion.

"For being a bitch to you at the campfire," she replied.

"Oh," I looked down at my hands. "it's alright." She soon to be in front of me, holding my hands. I stared at our hands and looked at her. She was already looking at me.

"I Love You, Kellin," I gulped.

"W-what?" I said. " me?"

"And I've never stopped loving you," she tightened her grip in our hands.

"Look, Kellin. It's all my fault. If I haven't broken my promise years ago, this wouldn't have happened." she said.

"It's not your fault, Lilly. I should have listened when you said you wanted to see your father. I should have waited, I over reacted." she looked down and I knew she wanted to cry. I got up from my position, making out hands unlock.

I went to the mini drawer I had and opened it. I looked at the little black box that carried the neckless I have her long ago. I closed the drawer and sat in front of her again.

"Look," she lifted her head up and saw the box. I opened it and there it revealed the heart shaped neckless.

"You still have it?" She smiled a little, but replaced it with a frown.

"For all these years, I kept hold of it. I knew we'd come across this day." I removed it from it's box and held it in my hands. "Do you..want to put it on?" I asked her. She simply nodded. I got up again, got behind her, while she pulled her hair in front so I can attach the neckless to her neck. When I was done, I sat across from her and grinned.

"I Love You Delilah," I put one of my hands on her cheek. She put her hand over my hand, so it looked like she was holding her cheek also.

She closed her eyes and said, "I Love You, too." She opened her eyes and smiled. I smiled back.

*People came over to Warped Tour. Along with other bands and blah blah they played their music in their stage and I'm too lazy to describe the day xD*

Delilah's P.O.V-

After my performance, I came back in our bus. I sat in my bunk and kept holding the neckless. Im glad to see Kellin again, but scared. What if he breaks my heart again? No, he love me too much to break it.

"Lilly?" River poked me.

"Yes?" I laughed.

"Kellin wants to see you. He's waiting outside," I smiled.

"Thanks River. Tell him I'll be right there," I told him. He nodded. I changed into better comfortable clothes. I got my phone and headed out to see Kellin. We smiled at each other.

"Hi," I waved.

"Hey," he said.

"You wanted to see me?" We started to walk around the place before we head to our other date.

"Yeah, I just wanted to talk to you," he smiled at me. I chuckled.

"About?" I asked.

"Us," he said. I sighed.

"Kellin, Im scared of us being together." I told him.

"But I won't hurt you this time, I promise," he said.

"Just give me time. You should have some time, too." I said.

"Fine," he grunted. "But I wanted to ask you something else."

"Alright, what is it?" I said.

"Do you want to watch a movie with the guys and I?" he pleaded.

"Ha, sure. Why not?" I responded. "Let me just tell the guys at my bus I'll be staying with you on the road," I started to walk back to our bus.

"Your staying over?" he smiled.

"Yeah, it's not a problem is it?" I asked.

"No,no! Not At all!" he waved.

"Well see you I a couple of minutes then!" I said.

"Hey guys," I told them.

"Hey," they all sang at once.

"I'm going to be staying with Kellin and the guys on the road. We're going to be watching a movie." I told them.

"Are you sure?" Jack asked.

"Yes, Im sure," I rolled my eyes.

"All right be careful!" River said.

"Have fun, not too much fun," Sam winked.

"I'm going to slap you when I get back," I told her. She laughed.

"Bye guys!" I told them.

"Bye!" they replied. I headed over to the SWS bus and knocked.

"Hey. Ready?" Kellin asked.

"Yep!" I smiled.

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