Chapter O3; Black Veil Brides & All Time Low

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" I'm so bored guys ," Sam says. I poke her.

" Same here . I'm going to go and do something entertaining." I say getting up.

" Oh , so we bore you?" Jaime questions.

" Yes. Now, bye! " I say storming off their bus. I hear them all gasp.

" You ass! " Tony says. I laugh and throw out a thumbs up and smile. I can see them roll their eyes at me through the window. As I head to my bus, I can hear screaming and honking. I turn to see another bus. Aha;

" Delilah!! " They all scream.

" Well look who finally showed up! " I put my hands to my hips and laugh.

" We got off gaurd. Don't judge our fine ass."

" 'Fine' Ass?" I throw some bunny ears and they parked their bus.

"Oh shut up."

" Only you, Black Veil Brides. Only you." I roll my eyes and laugh. They all came out of the bus.

" Only you, Delilah Summer, would throw something like that to any one. " Ashley said.

" Yeah, only to the ones I disrespect." I wink.

" You bitch! " CC punched my arm.

" I was kidding. I love you guys! " I hug them all.

" We love you,too you girly." Jake says. God, how cute they all are.

" Well thank you, you're pretty cute yourself, too." Andy winks at me and they all laugh.

" Shit, did I thought that out loud ?" I turn red. They all nod.

" Damnit." I say covering my colored face.

"Aha, don't worry babe." Andy says holding my hands, away from my face.

" Don't be shy-" Ashley got cut off.

" We know we're that sexy." Jinxx flexes.

" Oh shut up Jeremy. " I roll my eyes and punch his arm.

" Hey, you know it's true," He puts his hands up in defence.

" Anyways, You ready for the Warped Tour?" Jake messes my hair playfully.

" Heck yeah I am." I mess his hair back.

" You guys? " I look at all of them.

" Yup." They all harmonize.

" Doesn't look like it. "

" How come ? " Jinxx says. I giggle and point to CC.

" CC! PUT SOME PANTS ON FOR GOD SAKE! " I hear Jaime yell. We all turn and find my band members along with the members of Pierce The Veil, coming our direction.

" Yes, please! " I say.

" Psh. You guys just jealous of how my legs are so sexy." He says making a dance, which turn out to be a fail because he almost tripped on a rock. I laugh and roll my eyes. Everyone came to us and they greeted BVB.

" Let's go backstage to rehearse shall we? Since the other bands haven't came," we all reliplied with " alright " and "sure" and possibly someone said " i have to pee "

" Then use the bathroom " I mention to the person who said that.

" Eh, it's too far. I'll hold it. " Turned out to be Vic.

" Your going to explode. Good luck with that then." Mike says. We all laugh.

" Pfft. Whatever " Vic replies with a shrug. I giggle. We got backstage and sat down on chairs, some sat on the grass, some were standing. I perfered to stand.

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