Chapter 4

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Camila's POV

Day before Connecticut Show

"I just don't know," I repeated, sitting on the edge of my bunk. "What if she's trouble? What if she just wants to get with me to say she was the first person to date me?"

Shawn gave me a sympathetic look and stretched his arms back. I could tell he was thinking hard about what to say, but I was desperate for his advice no matter what it was. 

"I say go for it. You really haven't been able to stop thinking about her from what you've been telling me. If it doesn't work out...well at least you won't have to think about the what if," he spoke honestly. He was always looking out for me and there for me when no one else wanted to listen. I knew that he once had feelings for me, but we both discussed and agreed that our friendship was too important to risk. 

"Thanks're the best. I'm going to text her right now and I'll come find you before tomorrow," I added before giving him a quick hug and grabbing my phone.

"No problem. See you later!" he replied before he grabbed a water and left my tour bus.

I played with my wavy hair nervously and layed down in my bunk as I rotated my phone in my hand. The walls next to me were covered with pictures and reminded me of my friends and family back at home. I always wondered what it would have been like to attend high school for the full four years and how my friends dealt with me not being there. Sometimes while I was on tour, being homesick got to be too much and I had to talk to someone before shows about it. 

I grabbed my phone, realizing it was then or never, and started my first text message to Lauren.'s Camila. I'm going to take you up on that offer :) I clicked send instantly and took a deep breath, never taking my eyes off of my lock screen. 

After a few minutes, her name popped up and I pratically attacked my phone to read what she replied. 

Hey Camila :) I have a resteraunt in mind. How long are you going to be out here for?

 I blushed at the thought of her wanting to take me to a resteraunt instead of something badass like a motorcycle ride. I told her that I was going to be in Connecticut for a few days and then I had two more shows until my tour ended. We agreed on going out the day after the show and she then apologized that she wasn't able to make it tonight. 

I was upset that she wasn't going to see me perform, but I wanted to thank Shawn for giving me the advice and tell him that we made plans to go to dinner. 


"Thank you so much Connecticut! I'll see you all soon and I hope you danced your butts off tonight!" I yelled as the crowd screamed and threw random items on stage. 

I ran backstage and felt an unfamiliar pair of arms hug me from behind. There was no security around, but the gesture didn't seem violent or suspicious in anyway.

I slowly turned around confused to find Lauren standing in front of me. 

"You came! But you said that-"

"I couldn't miss one of your shows," she cut me off with a smile. "I wanted to surprise you."

 "Aw...thank you," I smirked, pratically cheering in my head that she came to see me. 

"You look...amazing. Damn," she chuckled before biting her lip and clearly checking me out without any shame. 

I blushed and moved from side to side awkwardly, not knowing how to act during this sort of situation. Lauren could tell and quickly wrapped her arm around my waist in one swift motion.

"Let's....go for a walk. Is that ok?" she asked sweetly as I nodded and followed her out of the exit. I waved goodbye to Rob and he nodded to confirm that it was ok. 

I was still wearing my performance outfit and trying my best to keep out of direct light to avoid pictures being taken of me and my "mystery girl". She intertwined our fingers quickly and walked me down to the back of the venue. 

"It's a beautiful night," she whispered.

I shivered in my blouse and Lauren immediately noticed. She instantly took off her leather jacket and placed it over my shoulders gently. 

"Keep it. At least I know I'll get to see you again," she smiled.

I don't even think I was cold, but the thought of Lauren flirting with me made me nervous and caused me to freak out externally beyond my control. 

"Yeah. We have a date tomorrow...remember?" I joked.

"Camila Cabello actually recognizing our meet up as a date. I'm impressed...and I'll be there. I have to go, but I'll text you," she added before kissing my cheek and walking away casually. 

I was whipped. 


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