Chapter 8

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Camila's POV

The sun illuminated my room as my alarm clock sounded and caused me to almost fall out of my bed. Lauren had driven me home the night before and had always made sure that I got in safe without pulling any tricks or rushing me into something I wasn't comfortable with. I was really getting used to spending all of my time with Lauren because whenever we were together it felt as though everything just stopped and we were in our world.

I hated the fact that my manager was already planning another tour because all I wanted to do was fall more in love with Lauren and have a bit of a break for once. A year and a half before I met Lauren, my career had been nonstop. It all started out on Youtube when I began to make covers for some of my favorite songs and it officially took off when I took my talent to the recording studio and recorded some original songs. A lot of record labels wanted to sign me and I took my time to come to the decision of signing with Syco Records. I recorded an EP and within months I was touring the United States and selling out all happened so fast. 

I kicked off my sheets before I checked the clock and realized that I was late for breakfast with Lauren. 

"Crap!" I screamed, hopping onto the ground and barely making it to my closet without tripping. 

I stumbled around before finding an outfit and immediately changing without anytime to shower. I really hoped Lauren liked the smell of old perfume. 


"Babe...what happened?" Lauren asked worried, getting up from the table she had been occupying.

"I overslept and my phone is still dead.I'm sorry Lo," I apologized, hoping that she hadn't noticed the bags under my eyes. 

"Lo? Is that a new nickname or something?" she chuckled. 

"Sure. I honestly don't even know how I drove here," I yawned. 

"'s ok sleepy. Why don't I pay for my coffee and we'll go back to my place and just relax?" she offered, already calling over the waitress.

"Are you sure? I feel so bad that you planned this and I'm going to ruin it..." I replied, feeling completely guilty for staying up so late the night before. 

"Trust's ok," she smiled. 


I changed into a pair of Lauren's sweatpants and one of her old sweatshirts as I waited for her to finish making some popcorn. 

"Netflix marathon sound ok babe?" she asked, removing the popcorn from the microwave. The smell of butter spread throughout the house and made me feel as though I was in a movie theater. 

"Definitely...and hurry with the popcorn!!" I joked, playing with the sleeves of her sweatshirt as I waited. 

She walked extremely slow as she ate the popcorn piece by piece with the biggest smirk on her face. I immediately got up from the couch and tackled her to the ground before she surrendered and handed over the popcorn. 

"I'm going to go get the mail," Lauren said randomly. "I'll be right back....don't eat all the popcorn," she warned with a wink.

I scrolled through the latest posts on instagram and tried to read some of the positive comments on my posts without focusing on all of the hate. I started to get nervous and a bit antsy when she was gone for more than twenty minutes because her mailbox was literally twenty feet away. Just when I was about to call her, I heard the door swing open and Lauren humming to herself. 

"Hey," she smiled, not mentioning why she was gone for so long. I could tell something was off, but I wasn't sure what. Her arms swung back and forth rapidly and she kept giggling to herself for no reason. "Which movie do you wanna watch?" 

"Lauren..." I whispered calmly. "Where's the mail?"

She looked down at her hands and shrugged her shoulders before laughing hysterically. I placed my hand on her knee and she immediately looked me in the eyes. As soon as she met my gaze, she looked away and grabbed the remote. Her eyes were bloodshot and everything about the way she was acting didn't seem right. 

"A-Are you high?" I asked without thinking beforehand.

Her mood changed instantly as her eyes filled with tears. She shot up from the couch and ran into the bathroom as I followed her...but she had already slammed the door and locked it as well. 

"Lauren! Open up!" I screamed, banging my fists against the door until they turned black and blue from the constant pain.

I could hear her muffled sobs as she mumbled under her breath...but then it all suddenly stopped. 


No answer. 

I pulled down on the doorknob with the strength I never even knew I had and broke the it to find something I wish I had never seen. 

What have I done?

(Author's Note) I'm really sorry about the cliffhanger...I'm extremely tired and I know that this wasn't a very good chapter, but I wanted to update. Please vote and comment for more and I'll be updating very soon. Thanks for reading <3

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