Chapter 13

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2 Weeks Later

Camila's POV

"I'm going to need some help here!" I screamed, practically falling over in my dressing room. I was trying on some possible outfits for the tour that started the following day and honestly had no idea what I was doing.

"I'll help!" Lauren called out quickly.

I chuckled to myself and shook my head as Lauren pulled open the curtain and eyed me up and down.

"Lauren! Now is not the management is going to kill you if they think we're wasting time. They're paying the stylist every hour and I still have one more outfit to try on," I whined.

"I'll pay for the damages," she whispered.

I immediately gave up as she kissed my neck and wrapped her arms loosely around my torso.

"Still want to try on outfits?" she asked sarcastically.


I walked over to my tour bus where Lauren was waiting for me and sorted through the papers my manager had given to me. My setlist was a total of seven songs since I was an opening act, but I didn't mind. There was a schedule that explained when I had downtime and what days we all had off.

"Camila?" I heard a curious male voice ask.

I spun around to find Austin running over to me, completely sweaty from playing basketball.

"Hey! I'm Austin as you probably know," he smiled.

"I'm Camila! I'm so excited for this tour."

He was cute, but not exactly my type. His brown hair was mostly covered under a red snapback and he resembled a younger Justin Bieber.

"Same. I can't wait to meet all of the fans and get to know you and Shawn more. I would hug you, but I'm really sweaty and you definitely don't want that on you."

"Oh it's no big deal," I replied, going in for a side hug.

"I'm glad that I ran into you. My tour bus is parked right next to yours. If you ever want to hangout and watch a movie or something, I'm in there whenever we have free time," he added. "I'll see you around. I have to get ready for rehearsals."


I really wanted to take up Austin on that offer, but I didn't want Lauren to get the wrong idea. There were a lot of rumors that Austin was a player and the flirty type going around and Lauren was not fond of those traits. I had never had a guy talk to me unless it was about homework or something school related, so all of that was still very new to me.

I walked onto my tour bus and saw Lauren sitting on one of the couches casually scrolling through instagram.

"I'm backkkk!" I sang in a high pitched voice.

"Hey babe," she smiled. "What took so long?"

"I was just talking to Austin after the meeting," I admitted. "He's actually really sweet."

"Camz," Lauren interrupted. "You know how he is."

I took a deep breath and sat down next to her before responding.

"I've heard the rumors, but we don't personally know him. Can we just give him a chance?" I pleaded while resting my head on her shoulder.

"I don't trust him," she sighed. "But I'll try to stay away from him and keep an open mind. If he does anything to you-"

"He won't," I cut her off.

She kissed my cheek and smiled at me as my heart fluttered in my chest. I cuddled to her side and hummed some of my songs quietly.

"Already practicing boo?" she laughed. "You need a break. How about we go explore this venue and maybe go to the amusement park later if you're up for it?"

"That sounds amazing. I just have to shower and get changed."

"I'll go with you," she smirked as I gave her a disgusted look.

"I'm just kidding Camz! And you don't have to already look perfect as usual."

I instantly felt my cheeks burn up as I shook my head.

"I don't care how charming you are. Yoga pants and an old t-shirt while sweating is no where near sexy," I insisted.

She shrugged her shoulders and began to tilt her head as I walked away before I smacked her arm lightly.


"This place has a freaking snow cone machine!" I screamed, walking around the lower level of the arena.

"All of the food sounds great, but it would be better if it was being sold," she added sarcastically. "You want to go to the amusement park and get some real food?"

"When do I ever say no to food? Let's go!!!"

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