Chapter 3

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The Royal guards have brought Celestia up to her room and into her bed. Luna looked on with concern. Luckily for Luna, despite Celestia's popularity, being a ruler and such. Luna could do the one thing her sister can't. Go inside ponies dreams. Which she did, as soon as the guards left. It had been a long time since Luna had felt such a feeling around her sister. Almost going back to when she was banished to the moon. Regardless, this was her job. But that being said, she wasn't doing this because of that. She always cared about her sister. Despite Luna embodying more of cat, unlike her sister who embodied a dog, she does care about her. Luna teleported into the world of dreams and found Celestia's dream.

Luna hopped in and interestingly, it was inside the castle. Luna felt kind of weird about it. But, she had seen worse. Luna could hear shouting and arguing from outside the throne room. Sounded like Celestia was arguing with herself. "Tia!" Luna thought to herself. Luna peeped through the keyhole and saw her sister getting frustrated at whoever it was she was speaking to. Luna opened the door with force and both Daybreaker and Celestia turned to see Luna in the doorway. "L-Luna?!!" Celestia gasped. "Sister, what is going on here?" Luna asked. "But-" "Who is this?" Luna asked as she turned to Daybreaker. "I am none of your concern, sister." Daybreaker muttered.

Luna took a moment of think about what Daybreaker had said. "S-sister?! Celestia, who is THIS?!!" Luna asked thoroughly confused. Celestia sighed as she looked down and the floor.

"This is-" "Oh no, Princess. If anypony is going to introduce themselves. It'll be me. BEHOLD Princess Luna, I am Daybreaker!!" Daybreaker yelled. "Daybreaker?? Why are you in my sister's dream?!" Luna asked. "Ohohoho! Luna! Can't you tell what I am?!" Daybreaker whispered. "Not with the riddles, I cannot! As Princess of the night, I DEMAND YOU SPEAK!!" Luna yelled.

 Ahh, yes! You're the Princess of all that baloney! Dearie me... Well, to know who I am. I'll give you an easier riddle... How about that, Luna? Even when the nightmares are on... The Day could still break..." Daybreaker smirked at her riddle. Luna thought about what Daybreaker had said, before realising what she meant. "So, you're her version of Nightmare Moon?? You were the one who threatened me earlier, weren't you?" Luna whispered. Daybreaker smirked, before nodding. "But, I don't understand. I monitor dreams... How could I have possibly never have seen you before?" "Easy answer sister! I LIVE in the land of dreams! I know my way around a few crack holes!" Daybreaker replied. "Well, aren't you a lucky one?" Celestia whispered.

"Well, if you are Tia's equivalent to Nightmare Moon... Then you're plotting something..."What gives you THAT idea?!" Daybreaker muttered, as she got closer to Luna. "I'm not stupid, or blind and deaf. That's why." Luna replied. "Are you?" Daybreaker asked.

Suddenly, Daybreaker got right in Luna's face causing Luna to back off. Daybreaker grabbed Luna with her horn. "Hmmm. No, not intimidating enough..." Daybreaker muttered. Daybreaker stomped the ground with her hoof. Forming cracks in the ground and causing Luna to almost fall in. But Daybreaker pulled her up. "Listen well sister... If I can still be bothered to call you that..." Daybreaker used her magical grip to gulp Luna by her neck. "You WILL sure as hell not stop me." Daybreaker muttered, as she tightened her grip on Luna. "T-Tia!!" Luna gasped, as she struggled to no avail. Daybreaker turned towards Celestia, who had taken a step back, before burying her head down to the floor. Daybreaker found this absolutely hilarious, laughing at Luna's attempt.

"Heheheh... You can't beat me... And she knows it..." Daybreaker replied. Daybreaker's grip tightened, as she began to drain the air out of Luna. "Listen well Luna... You better stay out of my way... Or, we'll have an issue,  got that?" Daybreaker hissed. Luna could barely speak, all she could do was try and breathe. "Now do Celestia a favour... AND GET OUT!!!" Daybreaker screamed. Daybreaker threw Luna through the hole, when Luna found her sight again she was back in her sister's room with her sister asleep. "Tia?" Luna whispered.

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