Chapter 6

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As the next day broke, Arthur had woken up later than usual. He didn't care though. He just looked miserable. Morgana was concerned for his fallen friend. Quite a shocking turn of events for the other members. Morgana to those who saw Arthur yesterday was a loudmouth who didn't show much concern. Well, there's always been glimpses. But, not to this extent. Morgana knew he had to do something. Not just because of Daybreaker's wrath, but because of his moral code. When Arthur went outside, closer to midday he found; Fox (Yusuke), Ann (Panther), Mona (Morgana) and Futaba (Oracle) all nearby his back garden. "Arthur Read, my friend, my deshi... I-I failed you... I failed you because I didn't bring you answers and I failed you because I failed to protect your sister...." Morgana would sigh in disappointment. "By now, who knows what that tyrant is doing..." Morgana explained.

Morgana closed his eyes as he hung his head, before rising it again. "HOWEVER, I am a man who always honours a deal... Look Arthur, The Phantom Thieves... We've all had our issues, sadly... We were not as lucky as you. What I mean is we never exactly had the happiest lives leading up to the creation of our group. That's why as a team, we decided to make sure that a traumatizing event would NEVER happen to you... We just couldn't bear having you go down our path... We wanted to stop the cycle... Show that maybe there can be hope!! That's what you're all about right? I see it deep inside you. The joy you bring in people is... Something none of us could ever and I mean EVER achieve... In many ways, we envy you because of that. It's the one thing we may never do. But I feel like that's what makes you, you. Because you bring joy and happiness to the people who need it most. Even me... Just a monster cat, who...- Morgana slowly began to cry. But managed to pull himself together. "With that level of joy you bring it just so happens, you've sorta become an unlikely hero... Which is the ultimate reason why we want to protect you and I am extremely jealous that you can unite people in such an engaging way. We all are. From where we're from, they HATE us! Trust us, THEY DO!!" Morgana explained. "Trust him on that. We're not known for making the most popular decisions..." Fox added on.

Morgana took a deep breath. "Arthur. I would like to help. No, I need to. I need to uphold my deal... It's important to me... Everyone here you see now, came by choice. I didn't force them to come. You may notice a few are missing. But, three were busy and one I do argue with a bit." Morgana explained further. Morgana put his paw around Arthur's shoulder. "Please, I can't be a failure again. " Morgana whispered. Arthur gave Morgana a big hug. Arthur almost began to cry. "Dang it! How can a cat love a dog person so much?!!" Arthur thought to himself. "Alright, you win," Arthur muttered. Morgana smiled. "It's my charm and how amazing I am." Morgana replied, with a smile Arthur rolled his eyes.

Suddenly, the sky turned red, as darkness filled the atmosphere. As the red sky glowed, a wicked laugh could be heard, as EXETIOR appeared from out of nowhere, laughing. The Phantom Thieves were ready to do battle, but Exetior raised his hand before doing anything. "Now, now... You don't even know why I'm here yet." Exetior whispered. "What do you want?" Panther grumbled. Exetior held out both his hands, with his palms facing up. "It seems you've ended up in a situation, haven't you?" Exetior asked. Exetior began to laugh hysterically. "You see, I have this rule... NO ONE IS ALLOWED TO GO AFTER MY VICTIMS, EXCEPT FOR ME!!" Exetior bellowed. The Phantom Thieves didn't know what to make of this. "Your point?" Fox asked. "I am offering you my allegiance... You see, I know how Daybreaker thinks... We're very alike... I know how an evil villainous God thinks! How they act!! I could be YOUR key to victory!!!" Exetior explained. "And it's in our benefit, why?" Morgana asked.

Exetior teleported behind Morgana. "Think about what I said... I know how one thinks and acts..." Exetior explained. "We've defeated several gods in the past. This wouldn't benefit us-" "-Yes, you can say such a thing... BUT, remember HOW you did it... You did it with the jester's help and HE isn't here right now." Exetior explained further. "So? Why would we team up with a cut-up zombie?" Morgana muttered. Exetior rolled his eyes. "Ahhh, Mona... You're too hard to persuade... Maybe I should say it like this..." Exetior summoned a mini-portal with his hands and pulled out... The HOPE DIAMOND?!! The Phantom Thieves  was in complete SHOCK. "Isn't it said, this is supposed to bring bad luck??" Exetior asked. Exetior laughed hysterically, as he used his grip strength to break the diamond with only his fingers and thumb. As the Treasure demon fell out, he began biting and scratching the Demon, all while making quite horrific noises. When The Treasure Demon had taken his beatdown and was weakened enough. Exetior's stomach opened and he swallowed the demon. The Phantom Thieves were in shock, not necessarily with him beating The Treasure Demon, but at what he did after. SWALLOWING THE DEMON ITSELF!! Exetior laughed as he turned to Mona, who was far too confused and shocked to even think of a good argument. Exetior looked down at The Phantom Cat and smiled. "NOBODY AND I MEAN NOBODY GETS THE PHANTOM THIEVES, EXCEPT ME!!!" Exetior hissed, right in Mona's ear. "SO, BEFORE WE HAVE A REPEAT... I SUGGEST WE GET GOING..." Exetior hissed, before disappearing in his laughter. Morgana just stood there, not even knowing what to say or think. All of a sudden another puzzle piece added to this mess of a mission. "Mona?" Panther seemed concerned, but when is she not? Morgana just sighed, pretty fed up already. "Let's just go... We have bigger problems anyway..." Morgana muttered. Morgana transformed into the Mona-Bus and everyone got in and it drove off.

My Little Aardvark by JacobLOLWhere stories live. Discover now