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Haiii, so here is my first part. Kindly ignore grammer mistakes if any. Feel free to comment ur opinion.

Mahi bhai is sitting in the balcony of his room..he is avoiding his kids from morning and he himself dnt know the answer for it.. They called him for lunch and he somehow escaped from his kiddos. He is scared, but he dnt know the reason. If he knew it, he could have solved it by now.

A knock on the door and a question followed it.

"Mahi bhaaii...Are u busy??"

"Na cheeku, come in. Even if iam, you can come in at any tym na" Mahi replied with his voice full of affection to his kiddo.

"Dnt lie bhai, then why didnt you join us in the lunch today?? U promised in mrng na that u will sit near me for lunch.u cheated me". It was not the cheeku who known for his kiddish tone with mahi bhai. Cheeku is a bit angry..

"Arreey, nothing like that cheeku. That call.... Noo... theyy.."Mahi stammered

"What mahibhai?? Who called u??"

"Sakshi cheeku. She was eating my ear from mrng''

"Nna bhai,u r lying. U hate me. Thats why u dont want to join us for lunch. U didnt wanted to sit near me". Mahi felt awkward in that reply. In real he was unawre of the plan his cheeku had for him.

"Bachaa.. Nothing like that. Dekho na". Mahi tried to convince his kiddo who is looking away from him with half heart

"No bhai, its okay. U have other priority now. U got new kids na. Who am i??"

"Cheeeku...dnt tell like that plzz. U are always special for ur mahibhai, even u know it. Then why these dramas". Mahi's reply was instant.

"Na, i dnt know and what drama. What i said is true. If not take phone and msge in grp that i love cheeku more". He reached the climax of his plan.

How will i comvince him now, am trapped.. Mahi was not in the mood to convince him more. He felt alone in his kiddos words. He was not like this, but a tear escaped from his eyes.. Which didnt go unnoticed by his cheeku. Cheeku felt sad and surprised to see his bhai in that state.

"Bhaiii.. Its ok bhai. U dnt want to prove anything" he started to apologize

Before cheeku could say something, mahi hugged his cheeku. This tym, it was not for his cheeku, mahi needed his cheeku to rely

There was silence for a minute, both remained silent. Cheeku was bothered about change in mahi's behavior. But he decided not to speak about it. In the other end mahi forgot everything he went through in the last few hours. He felt good with his cheeku around.

But it didnt last long.. A msge popped in mahi's phone and mahi took phone to look after it. The msge was from a unknown number and mahi noticed his heart beats going high. He knew the number, he had a call from that number at mrng.


Mahi was returning to his room after breakfast with his kiddos and his Phone ringed. He excused his kiddos and took the call

Mahi:Hello, Mahi here
Caller: You have 24 hours to call us back. If you didn't.....(the person laughed devilishly )
Mahi: who are you??
Caller: No more questions, Whats waiting for you is hell Mahendra Singh Dhoni. Enjoy ur day with ur kids. U lyf will change to a hell in 24 hours. Am waiting. (He cut the call with his irritating devilish laugh)

Flashback ended
"Bhaiii... Bhaii..." He heard his cheeku and understood that his cheeku is tensed.

"Haa cheeku, iam here bacha. I have a meeting at 4.00. If you don't mind....."He wanted to escape from his cheeku bcz he know its difficult for him to hide something from him.

"Okay bhai. Am leaving. U r okay na" concern was visible in his voice

"Yes cheeku, iam"

"I understood it. Anyway, take care. Am not disturbing u. Dnt forget that ur cheeku will be here for you at any tym, for anything. Takecare. Love you."

He left room and Mahi felt surprised of his words. His cheeku who used to cuddle to him is changed to a mature kid. Between his thoughts he remembered about the message and opened it.

Tears roll down his eyes, he felt exhausted, he felt like he was in a room with no oxygen. His body lost its strength and he summoned to th floor...He struggled to breath and went to subconscious state. He wanted to call her, wanted to ask if she is okay.. His lyf, his princess.. But, he was unable to wokeup. Felt his hand were cuffed to the floor. It was not moving. Message he saw in phone stood like rock infront of him.....

So, that was the first part.. Hope u guys enjoyed it. This is my first story in wattpad. So kindly ignore the mistakes and comments ur feedback plzz..

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