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they decided not to disturb. He was always there for them, so if he need some tym now.. Let him. But, unknown to them, their mahibhai was going through the worst, he was feeling alone, his world was turning down, he was fighting a battle for his brothers and family......


cheeku was restless the whole night thinking about his bhai. Its the next day morning. He reached mahibhais room. But the room was locked. He knocked the door but no answer. He tried his phobe, but no reply.

"Bhai.. Bhaii... "
"Mahii bhai, open karo.. "
"Kya kar raha he tu, . Open karo plz"

Its then, ro saw him

"Kya cheekuu?? What are u doing in bhais room early in the morning"

"Mr sharma, morning 8.00 can be early morning only in ur book. No wonder in that nickname jaddu recommended for you" cheeku teased ro.

"Helloo, stop there.. Stop. What u said?? Haa... Nick name!!!😴 wht nick name??"

"Hahaa.. Nothing mr sharma, jaddu will kill me if i say that. Anyway, its very intresting name" cheeku laughed which made ro angry


"Ro.." Cheeku started again..

"Whats going on there?" It was their bowling coach

"Nothing bayya, this Ro.."

"Bayyaa.." Ro interfered

"Good for you both that mahi is not here, otherways he should.."

"Whattt??? Where did he go" both asked in the same tone.

"Didnt tell you too??? I thought he informed atleast you all"

"Na, he didnt,What bayya??"

"He went to stadium early in the morning, receptionist told this to me when i went for morning walk. I thought, he may have informed you"

"What is he doing there in this winter morning!!its too cold outside. Match is at evening na" ro was tensed

"Dnt know Rohit. May be he have some other works"

"Haa bayya, iam going to room. Not feeling well" cheeku was worried and nothing left to say.

"Haa virat. Take care Bye"

In hotel room

Virat and rohit are worried. They both were lost in thoughts. They are not in the mood to pull legs eachother. They wanted to see their bhai as soon as possible. Rohit and virat wanted to go to stadium, but juniors.. They dont know anything. In the absence of mahi its their Responsibility to make sure that juniors are doing good. So they stayed back. It is the lunch time, with half heart they joined juniors in the team table. Rohit and virat were silent which didnt go unnoticed by their juniors.

"Virat bhai, where is mahi bhai" jass was the one to start the convo


"Yeah bhai, where is mahi bhai?? Why is he not joining us from yesterday?? Missing him" kuldeep joined jass

Virat dont kniw what to say, even he dont know the reason.

"Kuli, jass.. He.."


He looked back to see a tensed baju pa running to him

"Virat.. Switch on the TV"

"What bayya?? What happened??"

Baju pa himself took the remoteand changed channel to news.

"Bookies claims that indian captain Mahendra singh Dhoni was in on match fixing. To the video!!

A person is seen sitting on a chair, his face is blurred by the media.

"I was warned by Dhoni all these days. He blackmailed me using my family. But if i dont say it now, it will be a cheating to my country. I was a part of that meeting, but the intentions were unknown to me then. The current indian captain Mahendra singh Dhoni agreed to fix certain matches in worldcup and he was paid huge money for that. That man is fixer and is a manipulator. I have the evidence for those meetings andvis ready to handover it to the police"

Interviewer: "who were the other players part of this??"

He was the only one from indian team to be a part of those meetings and in my knowledge the payment too was a individual settlement. Thankyou"

Indian captain Mahendra singh..

Tv went off and what all saw was particular individual smashing the tv..

Who can it be??? Guess karo😅. Till next part, take care.

Spoil alert remains the same!!

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