Chapter 2: The beginning

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A couple of years have passed since we heard the prophecy of the dragon reborn. We decided not to tell anybody because we had to find the Dragon Reborn before the Dark One did, and with the black Ajah growing in numbers, we were not sure who to trust. 

I was in my chambers getting ready to leave, to find Moiraine. As I made my way through the corridors I ran into one of my sisters from the purple Ajah. With only four of us in the purple Ajah, it isn't well seen for us to roam too far from the white tower. My fellow sisters were eyeing me very suspiciously since I wasn't dressed in my usual attire. All I did was quicken my pace. 

As I made it to my horse and started getting her ready, I saw Moiraine nearing the door of her white horse. " You better hurry up we don't want to be caught before we even make it out of Tar Valon. " I said to her with a cheeky grin. Which she returned. 

With that, we hurried up, got on our horses, and headed for the road out of the city. Once we were on the road in the woods on the outskirts of Tar Valon, we slowed down to a trot and began to see where we were headed first. 

"Well I have intell that there is a baby born on the day the prophecy was foretold, they say he is in Kandor," Moiraine says to me. 

" Well, it looks like we are headed to Kandor then," I say. 


It takes us two weeks to reach Kandor. We are exhausted. We are riding down the road when I hear Moiraine call my name. 

"Liana, hold up, I think we need to think of a plan," she said, " we can't just ride up to the gates and announce our presence to all the black Ajah that are there. I think we should be in the shadows so that we can work without distractions and problems. "

"I agree but we also need the recourses that come from our titles. I think that we should head into the gates unannounced, and figure out where the baby is, and if we run into some trouble, I can head to the castle and bring all the attention to me so that you can continue." I said. "what do you think?". 

" I think that it's dangerous but a good idea, you are after all perfect bait, with you being you," she says. 

I send her a playful glare. " Yeah I know what you mean, but you know that I can only stay for a week at most because it is way too dangerous if I stay any longer.  I can protect myself perfectly fine, but the longer I usually stay in one place the more people gather around me to see if they can get the chance to kill the future Queen of Caembarin".  I said. 

It is well known that Caembarin is the strongest city next to Tar Valon, thanks to the amount of soldiers that we have, and the amount of women that can use the one power. We are usually the first to bring aid to whatever city needs it, for this reason, is that my family, the royal family, holds as much influence as the Amyrlin seat. 

" Hopefully none of that will happen," Moiriaine said. " we are pretty sly when we want to be".

"Well here we go," I said as we crossed the gate. Taking off our rings and hiding them in our dresses. 


Moiraine and I are headed to the rooms that hold the infant that could be the next dragon reborn. As we near the door I feel the presence of somebody behind us, I turn around and briefly see somebody duck behind the ally. Somebody knows who we are, or what we are looking for. I nudge Moiraines hand to signal behind us,

"I'll stay by the door, go inside and see if it's him", I say to her. She nods and enters the house. 

A couple of minutes pass by and nobody else appears, Moiraine exists and shakes her head no, "It's not him,", she says. "Come on let's go I have a bad feeling," I say.

As we head to the Inn to get our horses to leave this place, an assassin steps from out of the shadows, "Well hello there princess, looks like it's my lucky day" 

"GOO!" I yell at Moriaine, she looks at me, "Get the horses,"

I start to feel the treads of the one power run through my body, I stop in mid-air the knives that he throws at me and turn them back at him. I take the shingles of the nearest roof and through them at him, He quickly dodges them and runs at me, I send a gust of wind that knocks him on his back, and I send another one that pushes him away from me and sends him flying to the back of the street.

I pin him to the ground and hit him again and again with bursts of aire so that he doesn't get up, and I don't have to hurt him. I see Moraine coming with the horses, I get on and we head to the edge of the city.

"We have to get futher ways there might be more of them" I say

"Liana I think maybe it wasn't a good idea for you to come, what if you get hurt, or worse you know that if something happens to you the consecuences are grave, you are the heir, and a powerfull Aei Sedai, we need you for the war to come.

"You are not going to get rid of me that easily, I knew what I was getting into, if you want I can go for my personal Guard from back home, I trust him with my life and our secrets, and he can also help us". 

"I think that would be best, I will continue and you should head home Liana" 

"Okay be careful, Once I get home I'll see if I can reach out to my connections and see if I can find anything else about people the right age to be our dragon".  

"Take care Liana"

"Be careful Moiraine"

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