Sk8er Boi, More Like Sk8er Gorl

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A/N: I had this kinda written out for a while and I never had the urge to finish it. Anyways, idk when imma write another chapter. Writers block likes to stick around often, if not I don't have the urge to write anything. Also, I was going to do this chapter in parts. I did post the first part at one point. So if  you did read something like the first half at one point, it was most likely mine. I did kinda rewrite it because I didn't really like the writing was. 

word count: 6090

The warm summer breeze blows against my skin as I'm riding on my longboard. I've been just cruising around looking for a good and stable place to stay for a couple of days. It's been kinda hard for a good building that is still loaded up with food and water.

Ever since this sort of pandemic has been going around, making people into ghouls. Making them into people who aren't really people anymore, it's like some sort of nightmare. I didn't like it, I lost so many good people who turned.

I eventually rolled into a small town that didn't have too much around. The place looked empty. I didn't see any ghouls around when I rolled into the main road. Even though I still had to keep it quiet.

"y/n why don't you just look and see if this place has a store." you said to yourself. I placed my hand on one of the tomahawks I had on my belt buckle. I rode around to find any stores. There was just a gas station.

I hopped off my longboard, I picked it up and had it on my side. I walked over towards the door, it was boarded up. I looked over at the windows, the windows that were shattered.

I decided to peek into the store to see if there would've been a way into the store. All I saw was the place being a complete mess.

The shelf's were knocked over, the doors for the drinks and frozen stuff were all open, while a couple were broken. The place looked empty. There were a few ghoul bodies around on the ground. I eventually heard the familiar groan.

In front of the cash register that looked like male ghoul. There was something wrong with his legs, they looked like they were shot at. He noticed me peeking in and was reaching over towards me.

I sighed, "Why haven't people put you down yet?" but, I knew I wasn't going to go in there just to kill one deadhead, so I just backed out.

I sat down in front of the store. My mouth and throat were dry. I knew I needed to find some food and water soon. The heat here sucked ass. I ran out of water a little while ago and I barely have any food left. I got onto my longboard and decided to look for a house to scavenge.

After what seemed like forever I saw a house that somewhat seemed like it could have some good resources. When I got up to the driveway I hopped off the longboard. I picked up the board and hit it behind some bushes that were on the front lawn. I walked up to the front door and knocked a couple times to hear any deadheads that could be in the house.

I heard some grunts and moans, I pulled out my tomahawks that were on my belt buckle. I slowly opened the door to see a ghoul that was laying on the floor, the legs seemed to be broken. The ghoul had long messy blonde hair that had dead skin and blood in it. I'm guessing that the deadhead was a female. From the pictures around the somewhat hallway, showing that she was the only blonde with long hair. I closed the door behind me. When the blonde saw me, she reached her arms at me growling.

I walked up to her and bent down. I sighed. "Hey, it's okay now darling." I stabbed a tomahawk, threw her head and pulled it out. The ghoul went lifeless. "You're good now, love." I stood back up onto my feet.

I continue to look at the lifeless monster. I just feel like there's still something inside, I know that these ghouls are dead and they're not the same person who they used to be. I just feel like there's still somewhat of life inside of them.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19 ⏰

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