11th doctor angst-comfort

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11th doctor angst/hurt then comfort

Tw// extreme self harm +suicidal thoughts

You've been struggling with your mental health but managed to keep it Hiden from the doctor until one night when you snap.This is the night the doctor saw your hidden self.
Wrapped in sadness

You exhaled a breath,your chest heaving once as you threw your phone Infront of you, landing perfectly screen side up on the foot of your bed.

'how are you?'

It's the same question.the same fucking question.Its such a simple question.
Yes or no
Pick one.
Answer back.
Your hesitating.
They won't believe what you say now because your taking too long.

That's why you put your phone down.
You knew this was wrong to ignore people and you hated yourself for it -more than anyone could think- but you couldn't answer now.you just couldn't.

You lay back down,pulling the grey fluffy duvet on top of you and trying to settle down to sleep again.

You rolled over

You threw the duvet off

You re-ajusted the pillow

'Just fucking lay still.
Piss off and go to sleep.'
You screamed at yourself in your head.

You felt crowded, vunrable,weak.'i am a failure.'
You needed to get the thoughts out.
You needed to let them free.
You needed to do it especially after the events of today's adventure.It left you shaking and fearful to ever step a foot outside your beloved blue box again.

You had promised yourself to try and stop,especially since if you were caught in the TARDIS,the doctor would probably kick you out and you'd be left on planet fucking earth with the shittiest little life you 'owned'.But the tears that were now clouding your vision didn't help give you a clear answer to anything you were thinking about.
'just do it.
Just once.

You gave in.

You sat up,pushing the duvet further off your knees and grabbed under your pillow for an old tissue that held the familiar silver blade in.
You unwrapped it,twirling it in your fingers as it mirrored the light from your bedside lamp that angled down onto you.
You rolled up your sleeve,inhaling deeply as the tears stopped flowing.

Silver turned to red,specking before joining with the indentically coloured pools of blood.

That's wasn't deep enough,do it again.

Silver turned white, refusing to turn red.A burn ran through the cuts area and you crouched over in pain, biting your lip so you didn't shout out.

You can do deeper,you deserve it


The blood didn't flow straight away,taking a minute to fill before overspilling.

To late.

you watched as the scarlet red soaked into the white sheet, expanding into a deeper red in the fabric

"Shit."you whispered,shoving your hand over the fresh cuts to stop anymore blood from dripping down.

Knock knock

Your heart sank.A drop in your stomache plummeting like a roller coaster dropping 140 meters from the sky.

"Yeah,one second,don't open the door."your words stumbled out,stuttering as your voice shook with panic.you shoved down your sleeve,wincing at the pain that shocked up your arm and into your shoulder as you did so.

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