Torchwood mute oc angst

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tw// post od/drugs

The first thing I felt as I woke from my slumber was the harshness of my bedside table lamp peircing through my eyelids.I pulled a arm to cover my face and whimpered out,my head throbbing like I had never felt before.I couldn't talk -not that I could anyway- I couldn't think,barely breath,and my mouth was so dry I knew I must have been blackout drunk last night.There was a small a murmur from my apartment living room,like a one sided conversation.I knew the voice,it was rimmed with familiarity but I couldn't place who it was.
Everything was so sensitive,the aching in my muscles feeling like my bones were squeezing and the rusting of the sheet screaming in my ears as I emerged from the covers.I snaked a hand to my forehead with a harsh hiss through my teeth as I stood up,my stomache clawing at me with the hunger of...I don't even know how long It had been.I can't remember the last time I actually ate a full meal.
I was in my pajamas.I deffinately didn't put them on.
My hair was knotted and fell in random places around my head,so tangled it didn't fall down my face as I began to slowly,step by step,walk as light-footed as I could to my living room.
I listened in before approaching the person.
"No.Shes alive.She wouldn't die anyways you know this.
No, Jack. I've got it under control.
You don't need to talk to her,I will.
Jack?"the voice spoke in a clear wealth accent.
The person on the other phone must have hung up because the person,I now knew who was,flipped the phone shut in anger.


I walked into the living room,not really sure If I  was awake or still in the depths of a deep, dark dream.
My walking was uneven and I swayed with each step before I came to a stop in the centre of the room.
Ianto had his head leaning on his hands against my dining room table.
I shuffled on my feet, hoping he would sense my presence.
The floorboard beneath my feet announced me.
Fuck sake,what did you do."
He pulled me into a hug,fear and worry wracking through his body.
He let go,my frame just slightly swaying again.Everything I saw was blurry,doubled.
"Are you still high?
Shit. Jack's gonna flip."
I rolled my eyes at that, attempting to take a seat on the sofa.I almost missed but Ianto guided me to it before I could fall to the floor.
Everything I felt was dizzy and warped,I wanted to laugh and scream and cry at the same time.My head drifted round in a circle with the rest of my body before I just flopped onto my side.

Then I heard footsteps, furiously approaching the door before it swung open,crashing into the wall behind it.
I winced at the loud noise.
"Where is she."
Ianto sighed,"living room"
My body was pulled up straight and i flailed around.Jack was here.
"Did you seriously just pass out."
"What the fuck did you take?!"
Truth be told it wasn't just drugs I was high off.I took everything.Every medication in my house.Every medication I could get access to and considering I had never done a stunt like this before,it was alot.
"Ianto,the car is outside.Get it ready, I'll carry silent.
She needs to be seen by Owen."
I barely recognised Ianto leaving the house before my body was heaved into jack's arms.
I didn't have any power in me to fight back,so I let my head tip back,falling into blackness again.
"Silent.wake up.owen's here."Ianto shook me lightly,helping me to sit up on the medical bed.
"Shit. You look fucked." Owen spoke,putting down his med kit on a small metal drag table and taking out a small torch.
"She is" Jack was refusing to look at me.I didn't care.
Owen turned it on,lifting my eyelid to check whatever he was checking.My eyes were basically shut,so heavy I couldn't hold them open very much.
"Mm,I can see that.
Naughty girl."He smirked at me,amused by this whole situation.
I smiled up at him,bopping his nose but missing and poking his cheek.
He chuckled a little.
"Owen,this isn't funny." Jack told him.
"Right."Owen spoke.He turned away from me,facing Jack and Ianto.
"I'd say she overdosed,that much is obvious even to her.She's aware, just off her head. I can't tell what she took but it deffinately wasn't just an od of narcotics,she's o.d.ed on antibiotics too,too much to be accidental.And a shit load of other drugs,medical and not.
Shit the come down is gonna be horrific...
We'll need to keep her here to watch how her body handles it.She may be timelord but she has still done a fuck ton of damage to her system.Shell be throwing up her guts later and we can't even give her anything to help.Ill put an IV in to try and clean her blood and that's the most I can do for now." He told them both,shaking his head with disapproval.
Jack nodded,"I'll do the iv." He dismissed him as he approached me again .
My body tipped to the side and I fell back onto the bed.
I lifted my eyes towards him,he was... crying.
"Speak for once.please....
Why would you do this."
I shook my head.
I didn't want to do it.I didn't right?
"Silent." He pulled my focus that had drifted away back to him,lifting up a hand to stroke my face.
"Were here."
I shook my head again, drooping my eyes shut before blacking out once more.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2023 ⏰

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